(16): Hero

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Fred x Reader requested by myself.

Haha, I was struggling over the requests I was given. I just can't seem to write Hiro x Reader, so I'm taking a short break to write this for myself and you other Fred fans, of course. Fred x Reader is easier to write, maybe because Fred and I have the same personality, I guess? Anyways, sorry about your requests, guys! I'll be sure to get them up soon!
(Unedited). ❤

"You guys feel this? We're going to be heroes!" Fred shouts, jumping up and down excitedly in his kaiju suit.

"Fred, you nitwit, for the last time-" Go Go starts.

"Shut up!" Wasabi finishes.

Fred sighs sadly from inside the suit and you touch his arm. "It's okay, Freddie. I understand your excitement."

Fred flips the eye of the monster up and smiles down at you. "Thank you, ___. How about we narrate our moves?"

"Yes!" You say, jumping up in excitement. You take Fred's arm and loop yours around his. "Super jump, Freddie!" Fred runs to the side of the alleyway and jumps up the rooftop of a building.

"Guys! Stop fooling around! We're looking for Yokai, not goofing off!" Hiro says angrily.

You and Fred ignore him. "Two new heroes, out to save the world!" Fred says, dragging you around the rooftop. "Super jump!" He says, holding on to you as you jump to a higher building. He eyes a skyscraper, just yards away. "Think we could do it?" He asks.

Before you can respond, Hiro says, "Let's not try it, guys."

"Aw c'mon, Hiro. Yokai isn't even around here." You shake your head and sigh. "Might as well practice."

"Uh, guys?" Honey Lemon says, pointing to the building beside you.

"No time to practice!" Wasabi screams. You see Yokai, floating on a wave of microbots and heading towards you. "Whoa!" Fred says.

"Guys, you know what to do," Hiro says, climbing on Baymax.

"Sure do," Go Go says with a grin. She speeds forward, throwing disks. Yokai blocks them off with microbots and Honey throws her chemicals at Yokai.

"Wasabi!" Go Go screams for help as her disks hit the sheild of microbots, but hardly do any damage.

"Coming," He says nervously, sprinting to her side. Hiro and Baymax fly above to attack from the air and find themselves fighting microbots as well.

"Freddie?" You ask.

"Hold on, ___," He says. "We're gonna save the day!"

You grab onto his arm as he jumps to the surface of microbots Yokai is using as a bridge to cross the buildings. He breathes fire at Yokai. Yokai blocks it off with microbots and Fred moves his arm from your grasp. "Be careful, Freddie," You say, suddenly worried about what Fred might do.

"No worries, ___. Freddie is wearing his lucky Megazon t shirt under this." He smiles and pats your head before jumping to the other side of Yokai.

He takes Yokai off guard at the sudden movement and he falls backwards. You stay back, balancing yourself on the shaky surface of bots. "The mask!" Hiro shouts. Then you remember. The neural cranial transmitter that controls the microbots is the mask! You run forward towards Yokai. Yokai notices and scrambles up, but you tackle him. He falls and you sit on top of him, reaching for the mask.

"Get off of me, kid!" He says, pushing and hitting you.

"No way!" You say.

Yokai shoves your shoulders and you fly backwards and land hard on the microbots. Yokai stands. "Fool," he hisses, then he clenches his fists. Everyone freezes.

"___!" Fred says, stepping forward. Then you realize what will happen. You stand up and begin to run towards the building, but before you do the microbots disappear. "No!" Fred shouts as you fall towards the alleyway.

You scream and close your eyes. Now would be a great time for Spider-Man to show up, swooping you heroically in his arms and carrying you to safety up the side of the building-- or Thor to come falling from the sky with Mjolnir, grabbing you and flying you to the realm of Asgard. But that's not going to happen, obviously. You were a teenager, not a young woman, gorgeous and single and extremely loveable. This is how it ends.

Arms wrap around you and you gasp. Your eyes shoot open and you see the blue scales of Fred's kaiju suit. "Fred!" You gasp as he turns around, so his back is heading towards the pavement and you're laying on his chest.

You swallow your fear. Of course, Fred's suit would keep his body from breaking, but what if he couldn't catch his breath? What if his heart stopped? Why would he save you anyways?

After what seems like a lifetime you hit the ground. You bounce off of Fred and land on your side. The pavement is cold and wet and your cheek stings with a cut from the impact. Fred is still. "Freddie?" You ask. No response. "Freddie?" You yank the head of the suit off and his head leans against the pavement, eyes closed. "Freddie, wake up!" You press your ear to his chest. Silence. "Fred! Fred, no!"

You hear the others landing on the ground. "Ohmigosh!" Honey Lemon screams. "Is Freddie okay?"

You ignore her. "Baymax!" you shout, tears streaming down your face. You touch Fred's cheek, sobs shaking you shoulders. He's gone, he's gone. Hands grab your arms and drag you away from Fred. Wasabi and Go Go hold you in place. Unable to move, you bury your face in your hands and cry, kneeling on the ground.

You hear Baymax's words, "Clear," and the sounds of Fred's heart getting shocked back to life.

"Come on, buddy, you can do it," Hiro whispers encouragement. Whether he's talking to Baymax or Fred, you're not sure.

After a minute or so, you hear a faint cough. You stop crying but don't lift your head. "Is she okay?" A voice croaks out.

You hear a sigh of relief from Honey and Wasabi loosens his grip on you. You scramble to your feet and run to Fred, who sits on the pavement, breathing heavily. At least he's breathing. "Fred!" You scream, hugging him tightly and kneeling in front of him. He hugs you back and you whisper, "Freddie, you were dead."

"I'm okay," He says.

You pull back and punch him in the shoulder, hard. "You idiot, what were you thinking? Why would you kill yourself to save me? That is the most stupid-"

Fred cuts you off by kissing you. Your eyes widen with surprise and you freeze. Everyone gasps from around you and you hear the click of a camera. Fred pulls away. "That's why," He says.

You blush. "That's..." You wrap your arms around his neck and shake your head. "Still stupid, but..."

"But?" He asks.

"But I love you too, Freddie," You say. Fred smiles and you kiss him, tangling your fingers in his dirty blonde hair. You break away, breathless. "Thank you, for saving my life."

Fred smiles and kisses your forehead. "Thank you for giving me something worth saving."

Big Hero 6 x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now