(151): Valentine's Day (Wasabi)

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Happy Valentine's Day! Here's a Wasabi x Reader to celebrate. ^-^
I'll post the other male characters later on. I'm going to apologize in advance if some of them are posted after Valentine's Day. Sorry.

You wake up to the sound of your phone buzzing. Wasabi, your boyfriend, is calling you.

"Hello?" You answer.

"Good morning," He replies. "Happy Valentine's Day, beautiful."

You smile. "Happy Valentine's Day."

"Is it possible to meet me at Lucky Cat Cafe in. . . let's say. . . sixty five minutes exactly?"

You laugh. "I guess so?"

"Great. See you then. I love you."

"I love you, too."


You arrive at Lucky Cat Cafe exactly when you were told. Surprisingly, Wasabi isn't there. You wait. Five minutes pass, then ten. Twenty minutes. You call him.

"Wasabi, where are you?" You ask as soon as he picks up.

"There's a traffic jam. Broken red light, I guess. This completely ruins everything I had planned! My system-- ruined!"

"It's okay, Wasabi. It's still early."

"No, you don't understand. At this rate we'll miss everything-"

"It's okay," You tell him.

"I had breakfast reservations at that brand new restaurant downtown."

"We can still go," You say.

"No, we can't. Our reservations expire in five minutes."

You sigh.

"Gotta go. I'll be there soon, I guess."

Even though his panic is almost hilarious, you feel kind of bad for him. He's so lost without a schedule to follow. You know that he's probably been planning this since Thanksgiving.

You sit at a table until Wasabi trudges into the cafe. You stand up and hug him. "Happy Valentine's Day!"

He hugs you back and sighs. "Happy Valentine's Day."

"Aw, come on, Wasabi. Don't be so sad. So we missed a fancy breakfast-- whatever, right? We can have breakfast right here. And we're still together. That's all that matters."

Wasabi smiles. "You're right." He hands you a red gift bag. "Here's your present."

"Aw, Wasabi! You make me feel bad. All I got you is a card." You hand him the pink envelope that holds the generic, store bought card.

Wasabi laughs. "I love it anyways, ___." He kisses your head. "Go ahead and open it."

You smile and shift through the pink tissue paper until you reach two gifts: a red heart shaped box of chocolates, and a red velvety box. You open it and gasp at the sight of the sparking bracelet.

"Ohmigosh, Wasabi!" You throw your arms around him. "This is way too much!"

He laughs and kisses your cheek.

"I thought we agreed on not spending a fortune on presents." Wasabi puts the bracelet on your wrist.

"I know, but when I saw this bracelet, I just couldn't pass it up. I knew you'd like it."

You kiss Wasabi softly. "I love it, and I love you. You're the best."

He smirks. "I've heard," He murmurs before kissing you again.

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