(181): Take Care Of You (Tadashi)

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I've been getting a lot of requests for Reader x Sick Tadashi and Reader x Sick Hiro, so here you guys go~ a Tadashi.

I'll post a sick Hiro one tomorrow. ^-^

(I'm working on other requests. Sorry.)


You walk into Lucky Cat Cafe. Aunt Cass looks up from the counter she's scrubbing.

"Hey!" She greets.

"Hey. How is he?"

She frowns. "His fever has gone down a little. Not much."

Tadashi's been sick for a couple of days. Being the wonderful girlfriend you are, you decide to visit him with a stack of all the missing work from his time out of school. Tadashi hates missing classes.

"He's upstairs, if you'd like to see him. I don't know if he's asleep."

"If he is, I'll just drop these off." You smile before walking up the stairs.

You hear muffled noises from Tadashi's bedroom. You open the door and see Tadashi, laying miserably on his bed. He's made himself a burrito of blankets and his nose is red. He sniffles and rubs his eyes.

"Baymax, no! Get the tissues! No! That's not-"

You step in to the bedroom to see Baymax, deflated and swaying on his feet.

Tadashi glances over at you. "Help."

"Baymax?" You question. "Hey, Baymax. What's wrong with you?"

"Low battery," Baymax slurs.

"I needed tissues," Tadashi explained. "He's not much help. My nurse bot can't help. That's sad."

You laugh. "Okay, okay. You guys are just messes." You guide Baymax to his charging station.

"I'm healthcare, your personal Baymax companion!" He announces.

"Uh-huh. Onto the charger, Baymax." Baymax steps onto the charger.

You turn to Tadashi. You grab the box of tissues off of his desk and hand them to him.

"Thanks," He mumbles.

"You look awful," You say.

"Wow. Thanks."

"You're welcome. Seriously, though-- do you need anything? Medicine? Soup?"

"No. I'm alright."

You rub his back. You can feel the heat radiating through his shirt and his cocoon of blankets. "Are you sure, sweetie? I hate seeing you like this."

"I'm sure," He says. He closes his eyes and shivers.

"Cold?" You ask. You stand up and take a couple of blankets out of the closet. You cover Tadashi up. He nestles deeper into his bed. "Oh. I brought you your homework."

"Thanks. You're the best. I'd kiss you, but I'm sick."

"Ew. I don't want your nasty germs."

Tadashi laughs. "So rude."

You shrug. It's quiet for a couple of minutes. "So, besides being deathly ill, how has your day been?"

You receive a soft snore in reply. You laugh and roll your eyes.

"Alright, 'Dashi. Night." You stroke his hair before leaving, turning out the light behind you.

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