(93): Selfies and Shopping

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The very first Sibling Honey Lemon x Reader as requested. Enjoy!

It was a beautiful sunny day in San Fransokyo. You were walking with your older sister, Honey Lemon. She wanted to take you shopping, which you eagerly welcomed. You loved spending time with your sister.

"Oooh!" Honey Lemon gushes over a casual knee length (f/c) dress. "This would look wonderful on you!"

You shake your head. "Thanks, but no thanks."

"Aw, come on!" She says. "I just don't get you sometimes, ___."

You shrug. "Sorry."

"Learn to have fun! Be happy!"

"What? I am happy!" You laugh.

"Then listen to your sister and try this on. Now!" She shoves the dress in your arms and drags you to the dressing room. When you are done putting it on, you walk out to show her. "Ohmigosh! You look gorgeous!"

You roll your eyes. "I do not."

"Uh, yes you do!" She spins you towards the mirror. "Like it?" She stares at you with a hopeful look, biting down on her lip softly.

"Kinda," You say with a smile.

"Good!" Honey Lemon says. "The color really looks good with you eyes."

You smile. "I guess so."

"That's it, I'm buying you this dress."

"No you're not," You say.

"Yes I am. Look at how beautiful and self confident you are!" She clenches her hands together in front of her chest. "So adorable."

You roll your eyes. "Alright, fine."

"Yay!" She says. "Oh-- selfie time!" Honey Lemon grabs your wrist to hold you in place. The two of you grin towards the camera, happy to just be hanging out.

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