New Year's Eve Party

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Fives: Its here! It's the new year!!!!

Echo: Uh, we still have half an hour left

Fives: You know what I mean!

Satine: Still, might as well enjoy my new years party! Even though it isn't new years quite yet

Obi Wan: Ah, yes, of course. I had no idea there was such thing as new years eve tea

Satine: There's tea for everything dear

Anakin: Rubber chickens???????

Satine: I- uh, don't think so?

Padme: Come on Anakin, let's get a cup of punch...

Anakin: Oh, we can't

Ahsoka: Why not?

Anakin I threw it out the window

Satine: What????

Rex: More like why sir?

Anakin: -shrugs- I just felt like it

Padme: Anakin!

Adi Gallia: This party is sweet. Might I ask where you buy your tables at?

Satine: Uh...I don't know they've been here forever

Adi Gallia: Ah, yes, I have quite a collection myself. Bidding on Ebay is not a good use of your time and money

Kit: So that's how you got all of those tables...

Aayla: I thought you stole them from a furniture store, lol

Adi Gallia: Oh, I didn't buy all of them on Ebay....

Shaak Ti: And what does that mean?

Kix: Hey Rex, you might want to take a look in the ballroom

Rex: Do I really want to?

Kix: Jesse Hardcase and Fives are sliding across the floor in their socks

Ahsoka: That's not too bad. I mean, considering everything they've done before

Kix: Uh, but then Hardcase slid into a glass table and broke it, but then they found a box under it and it had a ton of chocolate in it. So now they're having a fight over chocolate, with chocolate

Rex: Ub, excuse me

Satine: Are you serious??? This is what always happens when I invite people over...

Barriss: Hey, what's with this watermelon?

Lux: Why is it brown? Is it a brown sugar watermelon?

Satine: ....uh, that's a dried goard

Ahsoka: And it's not edible

Lux: Let play croquet with it on the roof!

Barriss: Oh, yeah!

Luminaria: Strange, aren't they? Not my problem

Plo Koon: But this green bean casserole is. Why does is taste so...odd?

Luminaria: I just found it lying on the street on my way here. Don't ask me

Aayla: -spits up green bean casserole- okay, that needs thrown out the window

Anakin: Okay!

Padme: Anakin-

Aayla: Ah! I wasn't serious!

Obi Wan: Anakin what the chicken??? That was a glass pan!!!

Anakin: I just do what I'm told

Ahsoka: Uh, no you don't

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