The Party Part 3

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Tup: what are we going to do???

Ahsoka: if you don't answer Obi Wan is going to wonder what happened

Padme: okay, you have to answer him Ani

Anakin: okay, if you all want to live, then go lock Maul in the bathroom, and nobody make a single sound

Maul: No! No!!!!

Anakin: okay, phew, here we go. Uh, hello?

Obi Wan: Anakin? Hey, I was just checking in. How is everything going?

Anakin: oh, you know, um, pretty good. Not in the least bit nerve wrecking

Padme: !!!

Anakin: I mean with you being gone and all!

Obi Wan: okay. Don't worry, I should be back soon

Anakin: greatttttt

Maul: Kenobi! Kenobi!!!!

Obi Wan: what was that?

Anakin: uh, was Tup! He, ah, was just calling for you because he missed you. You know, classic Tup...he's going to bed about now

Tup: oh my god

Obi Wan: okay, well send my greetings.

Anakin: okay bye-

Obi Wan: oh, would you put Cody on for a minute?

Cody: -gulp-

Anakin: yeah, sure

Padme: say anything, and your dead

Rex: we all will be

Cody: General Kenobi?

Obi Wan: hello there! Aw, we did it in reverse order!

Cody: yeah...I guess we did

Obi Wan: well I just wanted to talk to you to make sure everything is alright. You know, Anakin isn't the most trustworthy person.

Cody: yeah....

Obi Wan: you are though. I know I can trust you with anything

Cody: yep, I would never keep anything from you, ever. -huge gulp-

Ahsoka: you're doing great!

Satine: don't mess up

Cody: well, uh, everything is fine. I mean normal, well I actually mean-

Obi Wan: good, good. I get the point

Cody: okay then..uh, bye!

Obi Wan: oh, Cody. I know

Cody: you do?!?!?!?

Anakin: ahhhh!!!!

Obi Wan: if you wanted to borrow some of my tea, all you had to do was ask!

Rex: phew

Cody: oh, uh, yeah, sorry general

Obi Wan: it's no big deal

Cody: um...okay.

Anakin: wow, I can't believe were going to get away with this

Obi Wan: oh, and one more thing. The green bean delivery came early so I already have it and am on my way back. I'll be there in about two hours

Cody: -huge gulp- O-k

Obi Wan: bye!

Ahsoka: this is bad

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