Fall is in the air

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Ahsoka: Wow, I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready for fall!

Padme: Me too. I can't wait to start wearing all my cloaks and jackets and scarfs

Anakin: Cloaks? Sorry Padme, that's a jedi and sith only kinda thing

Satine: I wore one once

Satine: I wore one once

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Obi Wan: Beautiful. I love my robes

Cody: Then why do you leave them all over the place? You know, it's exhausting to pick up your robes after your epic entrances

Obi Wan: Oh, sorry, I never thought about that

Rex: Well Cody, it's better than taking pics of General Skywalker for his Space-tagram.

Ahsoka: Lol, remember that time he litterly made you take a pic of him as he sliced off a droids head?

Rex: Ah, yes

Anakin: It got like, a lot of likes

Obi Wan: Uh, it only got 10

Anakin: That's a lot for me

Padme: I get like 100 likes on my posts Anakin

Anakin: Well that's not my fault!

Satine: Chill guys

Cody: Yes, it is a little chilly out.  I'm starting to wish I could wear one of those scarfs General Plo Koon made for the wolf pack

Ahsoka: Yeah, he made me one too. I gave it to this homeless guy though

Rex: Wait, you mean Maul?

Ahsoka: Yup. He claimed he was technically homeless. I just shrugged and gave him my scarf

Obi Wan: You should have let that cockroach freeze to death!

Satine: Brutal

Anakin: Pfft, not for Obi Wan. He cut ot Mauls legs

Obi Wan: I'll do the same to you one day Anakin

Anakin: as if. You would underestimate my power

Ahsoka: If you mean your power to do weird things, then there's a good chance of that

Rex: Well, speaking of fall, does anyone want some apple cider?

Ahsoka: Sure Rexter

Satine: I'll trade you 100 pumpkins for some. You wouldn't believe the fall service at Mandalore. Litterly all they get is pumpkins! No apple cider!

Anakin: Sure, it'll be perfect for my man cave Rex

Obi Wan: I don't know...I'm more of a tea addict myself

Padme: Sure I'll take some. It'll make everyone else at the council meeting I'm going to jealous.

Ahsoka: Lol, let's bring some to the jedi council meeting. It will bug Mace Windu to death

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