Secret Santa

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Aayla: So...who's gotten their Secret Santa Gift?

Jesse: Well, I found a sock on my porch, but I pretty sure its just the sock I lost

Kix: It is. I found it in my first-aid kit. My first-aid Kit.

Fives: Ha ha, I thought you would never find it! And no, I don't have my gift yet

Barriss: I got mine! It's a...small blanket

Aayla:'s a scarf, you mean

Barriss: Oh whatever. It's perfect for my cantaloupe to keep warm in

Ahsoka: Whatttt

Lux: I got this tie. It makes a lit bandanna

Rex: O-k

Ahsoka: Got your present yet?

Rex: Yes. It was a box of bandages. Thank you Kix!

Kix: Hey, how did you know it was me?

Fives: Seriously? One couldn't be more obvious. And I got like the hardest person ever to buy for!!!!

Satine: Good luck?

Fives: They litterly don't want anything

Aayla: Shhh!!! You'll give it away.

Adi Gallia: You got your gift yet? I got mine. A shoe.

Kit: What?

Adi Gallia: Yeah. Just one single shoe. It doesn't even have a match. I mean, it'll be great for killing crickets and spiders.

Barriss: Glad you enjoy!

Adi Gallia: ...Yeah

Lux: Hey, I'm going to sneak into the jedi temple to sneak some of those candy canes in the microwave. Want to come with?

Barriss: Sure. ☺️☺️☺️

Ahsoka: Let's leave them to their weirdness

Cody: So...what are you doing?

Rex: Shopping.

Ahsoka: Making Christmas cards

Anakin: Getting ready to jump out of this window

Padme: Anakin what???

Obi Wan: I won't be there in a speeder to catch you this time

Anakin: I put the trampoline down below me

Shaak Ti: How high is the window?

Anakin: Oh, you know, about 130 feet high

Satine: Oh gosh don't do it

Anakin: Fine! I'm off to dress up as Santa and beg for money. He he he...I know exactly what I'm going to get for my gift..

Padme: I honestly feel kind of bad for whoever Anakin got. 😬😬😬

Ahsoka: They'll probably get something weird

Rex: Most definitely

Padme: Well, I finished my secret santa.

Shaak Ti: I just dropped mine off

Obi Wan: Oh what do you know, there's a package on my porch

Kit: #obvious

Shaak Ti: It was the best I could do

Obi Wan: It''s...tea!

Shaak Ti: You know I tried my best

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