revenge part 1

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Lux: hey

Barriss: what is it?

Lux: do you like, want to get revenge on Ahsoka and Rex?

Barriss: uh, of course! But honestly, i still want Rex for myself...

Lux: yeah. I want Ahsoka.

Barriss: so... How are we going to get revenge?

Lux: well, first were going to make them get really mad at each other,then make them breakup!

Barriss: but, we don't even know if their dating.

Lux: plz, I'm like almost positive they are.

Barriss: I want proof first. I hate making myself look like a fool.

Lux: okay, fine berrie!

Barriss: did you just... Give me a nick name?

Lux: uh...yeah.

Barriss: ok... So what's the plan?

Lux: we sneak into Ahsoka's quarters and read her diary. If she is dating Rex, surely she will have written about it.

Barriss: I'm in, but let me just say, this is crazy.

Lux: hey, I just met you, and this is crazy! Lets get revenge, and steal our crushes maybe!?

Barriss: okay, I have to admit that was funny.

Lux: now lets go into faze one of #letsgetrevengeonourlovers!

Later... Barriss and Lux sneak into the air shafts as they make their way to Ahsoka's room.

Barriss: are we there yet?

Lux: we just have to wait for these stupid clones to like pass, so we can get there.

Barriss: uh, okay.

The clones pass so they make their way down the air shafts. When they finally get to Ahsoka's quarters Lux gets down. When Barriss is getting down she falls and lands in Lux's arms. They blush at each other.

Barriss: uh, th-thanks.

Lux: uh, yeah no prob. Now down to business!

They rumage around looking for Ahsoka's dirary

Lux: i found it!

Barriss: how Did you find it so quickly?

Lux: uh... I might be a crazy stocker that knows everything about Ahsoka...

Barriss: oh, I can totally relate. I might be an extremely jealous person who knows everything about Ahsoka and wants to be just like her.

Lux: glad we can relate. Now for reading the diary. Mwhahahaha!!!

Barriss: shh! Be quiet or someone will here!

Lux: oh, sorry.

Now, in Ahsoka's diary...

Dear diary,

     So today I was talking to Barriss when Anakin comes up and ask me to buy him a donut. I tell him no, because I'm saving my money for something important. So then he goes and bugs obi wan about it, who ends up just buying him a whole dozen. Then, Anakin is like so crazy and hyped and he like annoyed me all day. Then apparently Hardcase snuck into the donuts then he was like crazy, and me and Rex are all just like, leave us alone! And then fives bought a whole party sized amount of donuts, so the whole 501st is crazy, so me and Rex like go on a date to get away from them all. So in the end, I guess it turned out all right.


Lux: see! I told ya! Their dating! Oh, this is worse than I thought.

Barriss: okay, okay, we have our proof. Now we better get out of here before Ahsoka gets back.

Suddenly they here someone coming towards them

Lux: quick! Hide!

Barriss: where?

Lux: under the bed!

So Lux and Barriss quickly hide under the bed as Ahsoka walks in

Ahsoka: ah! Here is my tazer! Now finally everyone will fear me! Mwhahahahaha!

Ahsoka leaves

Lux: phew, that was a close one!

Barriss: I'm just going to pretend like I didn't hear what Ahsoka said.

Lux: yeah... Kind of disturbing

Barriss: well lets get out of here quick!

So they escape into the night as they prepare their master plan! Mwahahahahaha!

This could get very weird people... You've been warned. Oh, wait, its already weird.

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