What Really Happened

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Obi Wan: Two questions. Why is there a dumpster in my room, and who threw my bed out of the window?

Ahsoka: uh...look, it's not what you think

Obi Wan: It's not?

Rex: No sir

Satine: Okay, well for the record, it's not my fault that there is orange juice and corn flakes in the bathtub!

Obi Wan: WHAT????

Padme: ....look, we can explain

Anakin: (Can we?)

Obi Wan: Anakin, I know that you're the one behind this!

Anakin: pfft, you think I had anything to do with it

Rex: ...the dumpster gave it away

Ahsoka: It really did

Obi Wan: You all have 4 minutes and 2 seconds to explain what happened

Satine: Why that exact amount of time?

Obi Wan: Because that's how much time it takes me to get to Anakin's Mancave

Anakin: What makes you think I'm there?

Obi Wan: This post on Instagram says, "chillin in my man cave"

Anakin: Man, I need to start blocking Obi Wan

Padme: But here's the story

Satine: We thought it was an average day

Rex: You know, wake up, drink a glass of milk, deal with Hardcase, Fives, Jesse, and all the rest of them

Ahsoka: So then Anakin comes by,

Anakin: In my freshly polished van btw

Padme: No one cares or needs to know that

Satine: And he says he's taking us someplace special

Ahsoka: You can imagine our faces when we pull up to the dumpster

Rex: they were kind of like this:

Rex: they were kind of like this:

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Padme: I was more like this:

Padme: I was more like this:

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