4 friends... sort of

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Anakin: hello

Padme: hi Ani

Obi wan: well hello there

Cody: general Kenobi!

Padme: hey Obi wan and Cody

Cody: I'm just leaving. Bye

Anakin: 👋

Satine: hello? Why am I here?

Obi wan: Satine? Why are you here?

Satine: that's what I wad asking

Anakin: because your obi wan's girlfriend..

Obi wan: ANAKIN!!!

Anakin: I mean.. Uh friend

Padme: nice to meet you Satine

Satine: its nice to meet you. all is well. How's the war going?

Obi wan: well its certainly going..

Satine: lol obi. Your still so funny

Obi wan: you think still?

Anakin: oh I ship it

Padme: Anakin...

Obi wan: oh well um.

Padme: what are you and Anakin doing?

Anakin: texting

Obi wan: trying to work.. But my phone just keeps giving me 10000 messages

Satine: we haven't sent that many have we?

Obi wan: oh no its not you. Anakin just keeps sending me pics of monkeys doing funny things

Anakin: I'll never stop!

Padme: Ani, sometimes your so childish

Anakin: in what way am I childish??

Obi wan: uh annoying me 200 times a day and pranking me

Anakin: I was just bored. Besides you reactions are hilarious

Obi wan: how do you know about my reactions??

Anakin: I might have put security camras all over your room

Satine: isn't that an invasion of privacy?

Obi wan: satine, invasion of privacy is all Ankin is capable of

Satine: well that's disturbing

Padme: Anakin you could at least be a little more less.. Snoopy

Anakin: snoopy! Please I'm just checking up on Obi wan. Besides, his face was hilarious when he found out Satine was on this chat

Obi wan: uh I've got to go

Obi wan has left this chat

Padme: Anakin!

Anakin: what? It was hilarious! I'll send it to you if you want..

Padme: nope.

Satine: yeah. I better get going too. Mandalore business and all

Padme: bye! It was nice meeting you!

Satine: you too!

Satine has left this chat

Anakin: now its Just me and you dear

Padme: sorry Ani, but I gotta go too

Anakin: why?

Padme: senate business

Anakin: love you.. Bye

Padme: you too. Make sure you delete these messages though...

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