Thanksgiving Chaos

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Fives: Its the dayyyyyy

Jesse: Turkey day!!!!

Echo: Please just call it Thanksgiving

Fives: No

Anakin: Who's ready to celebrate? I say we get a Turkey, put a firework in it, and watch it explode!

Obi Wan: This is why you're banned from grocery shopping with me

Hardcase: Yeah!!!! And let's make a pie out of acorns!

Dogma: ...So that's the weird dish in the back of the fridge

Fives: Actually that's incinerated shoes.


Rex: Do I want to know?

Fives: Nope

Ahsoka: This year's Thanksgiving is going to be so great!

Tup: Why this year?

Ahsoka: Because last year we didn't have games! The Jedi are having a big Thanksgiving meal with games. Like corn hole! And shoot spit balls at Mace Windu when he isn't looking

Anakin: I came up with that one :)

Obi Wan: What about the one where you replace my tea with chicken broth?


Anakin: That one was both of us.

Rex: I'm going shopping soon. What does everybody need?

Anakin: A square balloon, a pair of toddler shoes, a new arm, oh, and apple sauce.

Fives: Oh! A million bucks. That would be nice. And steal one of the shopping carts on your way out

Jesse: ...We need more orange juice...because me and Hardcase kind of put it in the microwave and it exploded.

Ahsoka: Well, I would go myself, but last time I went there I was with Anakin and he pushed me in the cart until I crashed and long story short we're banned from the grocery store. So get me some pretzels and rolos. Plus also a new toaster because Anakin blew the one at the Jedi Temple up.

Obi Wan: Pumpkin spice flavored tea please!

Hardcase: I want a pet squirrel.


Rex: Am I actually expected to get any of those things?


Jesse: I don't think we need to answer that.

Rex: -sighs- I'm making sweet potatoes for the Jedi's Thanksgiving meal tonight

Ahsoka: I'm making those rolo pretzel delight thingies.

Dogma: I got a ham in the oven locked in a cage.

Ahsoka: Why is it in a cage?

Dogma: So Fives Hardcase and Jesse can't steal it. And no Fives, you can't pick the lock with a shoe

Fives: Aw shucks!

Padme: Hey guys! Just checking to make sure everything is going well. Nothing is on fire, is it?

Anakin: My robe caught fire this morning when I tried to burn an ant with my lightsaber

Obi Wan: Please, we don't want to know. Everything is going fine Padme.

Padme: Great. Wait, what are you making Anakin? You never said

Obi Wan: Another question we don't want to know the answer to

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