Missing Blowdryer

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Obi Wan: has anyone seen my blow dryer? I can't find it anywhere

Cody: no sir

Rex: uh...no?

Anakin: yeah Obi Wan. I haven't seen it anywhere. And yes Rex, it is weird that Obi Wan blow dries his beard

Ahsoka: I haven't see it either

Obi Wan: well then somebody must have stolen it!

Anakin: it wasn't me! If I wanted to steal something of yours, it wouldn't be your blowdryer. I would way rather steal your new leather boots, or maybe your toilet paper...

Ahsoka: okay, first off I don't steal things. And second, I don't even have any hair to blow dry!

Rex: same with me. Unless you count my eyebrows...

Obi Wan: Cody, I want a full sweep of the perimeter! No one leaves this facility until my blow dryer is found!

Cody: yes sir!

Anakin: dont you think your getting a little worked up Obi Wan? I mean it's just a blowdryer

Obi Wan: just a blowdryer! Oh Anakin, there's so much about the world you don't know yet...

Anakin: well, that's true in some perspectives. I didn't find out that you can get free cars in the junk yard until this week

Rex: ....

Ahsoka: um, theres a reason it's called a junk yard Skyguy

Anakin: tell that to my toaster I found there! It works like a brand new oven!

Rex: if you like burnt toast, that is

Obi Wan: seriously! You all are talking about dumpster diving when my precious blow dryer is missing!

Anakin: first off I was just exploring a junk yard, and second off, there's no need to panick

Ahsoka: wait, didn't we dumpster dive that one time we accidentally lost the keys to your van?


Rex: we did


Cad Bane: is anyone even in here?

Maul: yes, yes! Open the door Savage!

Cad Bane: isn't that a door to a refrigerator?


Savage: it is

Maul: shhh!!!!

Cad Bane: so you two sith are living in a junk yard?

Savage: I wouldn't call it that...

Maul: well nobody is going to expect that the true lords of the sith live in a junk yard!

Savage: yeah, theres so much free stuff here! Like, this shoe with a hole in it!

Cad Bane: what the heck would you do with that?

Savage: make shoe stew?

Maul: ya throw it at people! What else are shoes for?!

Cad Bane: I'm just here for my payment. I stole this blowdryer like you asked

Savage: oh, can I use it first?

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