the van

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Anakin: guys you won't guess what I bought!

Ahsoka: a Barbie doll!

Jesse: fuzzy bear slippers!

Fives: the whole grocery store!

Hardcase: a pet moose!

Obi Wan: my herbal spice tea I told you to get the other day?

Rex: I don't think Anakin got anything that radical guys.

Anakin: I got a van!

Rex: well I take that back

Ahsoka: wait seriously Skyguy?

Anakin: yeah! It was on this great deal for only 10000000 credits!

Rex: how is that a good deal?

Obi Wan: yeah and who gave you permission to buy a van?

Anakin: uh, myself. And it was a great deal because it included a life time supply of sunscreen!

Obi Wan: Anakin... You really need to take a personal finance class

Fives: yeah. Who even puts on sun screen?

Echo: I do.

Fives: 😒

Anakin: well the deals over now. I should've known that jawa would rip me off!

Ahsoka: technically you ripped yourself off...sort of

Rex: yeah. Where did you get that much money anyway?

Anakin: um....I might have borrowed some from the intergalactic bank...

Obi Wan: Anakin that money is saved for important stuff to use in a war!!!

Anakin: well this van can totally be used for war-like stuff.

Ahsoka: really?

Anakin: yeah, its as useful as the eggs in eggnog.

Jesse: ???

Obi Wan: well if your so certain why don't you give us an example Anakin

Anakin: well, say I blow up my ship and general Grivious is coming after me? I could just escape in my little van over here.

Rex: I'm pretty sure Greivious could still catch you and  kill you.

Ahsoka: yeah not a good example

Fives: pfft, my speeder bike is faster than that

Echo: not since it got clogged with applesauce.

Hardcase: I love Apple sauce.

Jesse: wait how did your speeder bike get clogged with apple sauce?


Echo: believe me you don't want to know. Its a crazy story that has to do with baby yoda, coffee, and Toliet paper.

Ahsoka: yeah I think well save that story for another time

Obi Wan: now back to how Anakin just wasted some of the councils money.

Anakin: well let me give another example. Say my speeder bike is in the body shop, and I really need to go to the store and buy some chicken and a bagel to fry

Ahsoka: why chicken and a bagel? That doesn't go.

Anakin: fine! Chicken and tuna

Rex: that doesn't make any sense either.

Anakin: whatever! The point is I can just slip right into my handy dandy van here and go shopping!

Fives: we have a general idiot leading us into battle everyday.

Ahsoka: did you boys just now figure that out?

Anakin: what? These stories could be possible!

Obi Wan: fine, go ahead and try telling the council of how this van can help us win this war Anakin.

Anakin: 😔😝😝😝

Jesse: this is crazy!

Hardcase: can we go and ride in this van thingie?

Ahsoka: yeah, I've always wanted to show up to the Jedi council in this cool rig. Then Mace Windu won't feel so special in his little red convertible. Ha ha ha!

Anakin: yeah! Lets all go in a nice little family ride and then maybe you all will realize how awesome and worth my money this van is!

Ahsoka: I seriously doubt that, but I'm ready for a free ride!

Rex: me too!

Fives: wait for me!

Hardcase: I want to come too! Oh, can we stop by the donut store?!?!

Anakin: sure.

Jesse: I'm coming too!

Obi Wan: -sighs- I might as well come along too. Uh, I just wanted some tea and instead I get a ride in a van. Life's weird.

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