The Party Part 2

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Aayla: hey guys! Sick party!

Adi Galada: I brought some tables, you know, I'm case we need them or something

Shak Ti: and I brought my pet gerbal

Anakin: nice! There's some beans in the fridge if you're hungry

Ahsoka: uh guys, there's no party

Padme: your going to have to leave right now

Kit: but we just got here!

Vos: yeah!

Ventress: you can't tell us what to do! Did you forget that were your guests?

Rex: -sighs- this isn't going to be easy

Fives: hi guys! I bought some sherbet and soda from the store!

Hardcase: and I bought some noodles!

Dogma: why?

Hardcase: I don't know!

Jesse: so I guess were having a party! Turn on the music!

Anakin: oh yeah!

Luminera: I'm here. I had some leftover dusters from my house so I brought them over.

Satine: yeah! A party!

Cody: we have to get everyone out of here before General Kenobi hears about this

Rex: uh, yeah, but how?

Ahsoka: yeah! More and more people just keep showing up!

A watermelon is thrown threw the window

Kix: what?

Barriss: the window was open. Was I not supposed to throw it through there?

Padme: no, no you were not

Lux: I'm here! The party can now commence!

Ahsoka: sorry to tell you, but it began without you

Lux: whatever!

The door swings open revealing Maul and Savage

Maul: oh, is this a party I see?


Hardcase: uh yeah it is!

Savage: here's some lemonade

Padme: the kitchen now guys!

Ahsoka: okay, this is getting out of hand

Cody: how many people have been invited here?

Anakin: everyone! Except for Mace Windu of course

Rex: we have to get eveyone out of here!

Satine: why tho? I mean as long as Obi Wan doesn't find out about this, we'll be fine!

Anakin: exactly!

Cody: there is no possible way General Kenobi is not going to find out about this

Barriss: hey guys, just a warning, but Lux accidentally spilt lemonade all over the floor so its really slick. Maybe we should get some cats in here to lick it up

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