Segway: The Last Stand: The Segway Saga Ends

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Eth Koth: Weee!!! I love our segway!!!

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Eth Koth: Weee!!! I love our segway!!!

Saesee Tin: Watch out Eth you're gonna hit the wall!

Eth: Oof-

Luminaria: I would say you can see things before they happen, but that's the fifth time he's crashed into the wall

Ki-Adi-Mundi: ...Why are you painting your eyebrows?

Luminaria: Just going for a new look, you know

Ki-Adi-Mundi: No, I do not know

Saesee Tin: Eth! It's my turn!!!

Luminaria: What about me? The time I drove it across the dining table didn't count

Mace Windu: Hey! I have an announcement to make!

Eth Koth: Do you ever not? I mean, you don't have to say the toilet needs plunging every time Anakin flushes a rubber chicken down it.

Luminaria: It happens often enough

Mace Windu: True, that. But we need to hide the segway. Ponds told me the last time General Plo Koon and Commander Wolffe faced Grevious, he was still on the look for his segway. He thinks it's still alive, somehow...

Saesee Tin: Fine. I'll hide it.

Luminaria: Seriously? You?

Ki-adi-Mundi: Saesee, after you hid it in the fridge, I've lost all faith in your abilities to hide anything

Mace Windu: He's right. Eth, you hide the segway

Eth Koth: What??? Why is it always me???

Mace Windu: Just cause

Meanwhile, at Grevious's lair:

Grevious: Long since, have I waited.

Droid: Sir, would you like to purchase this pair of fuzzy boots advertised in this ad?

Grevious: What?? No! I've almost located my stolen precious...I know it's not dead...

Droid: Its not alive, sir

Grevious: Well neither are you!!! Now, bring me a lemonade! The person who dare stole my segway will pay...they will pay dearly...

2 days later:

Aayla: Hey, does anyone know why Eth is sobbing on the ground, cuddling a shoe?

Ahsoka: I've seen my Master do weirder

Kit: I asked, and he said something about failing Mace Windu, and that now he would have to wash windows?

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