truth or dare

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Anakin: hi everyone

Padme: hey Ani

Obi wan: not this chat..😖

Anakin: please I'm not that bad...

Satine: hello?

Obi wan: hi

Satine: why are you texting us Anakin Skywalker?

Anakin: just call me Anakin. I'll most likely be obi wans groomsmen at your wedding, so you best get to know me now

Obi wan: -faceplams- Anakin, in going to kill you one day.

Anakin: phw in your dreams. Now who wants to play truth or dare?



Obi wan: I've got to go,bye!

Satine: bye obi wan!

Anakin: oh you can't leave that easily master

Obi wan: well I think I can

Anakin: if you leave I'll tell everyone your secret.

Obi wan: what secret?

Anakin: that you have a crush on Sa-

Obi wan: shhh! Fine. Ill play. Just one round though. One round.

Satine: and I'll just pretend like I didn't know who's name your were spelling..

Padme: fine, for obi wans secrets sake, I'll play

Satine: fine. Nothing to crazy though

Anakin: this is going to be perfect...

Obi wan: I'm really going to regret this..

Satine: who's first?

Padme: ill go first.

Anakin: 👌

Padme: anakin, truth or dare?

Anakin: hmm dare obviously!

Padme: I dare you to go apologize to all the Jedi you pranked.

Anakin: but..

Padme: do it. Its a dare


Obi wan: well I'm waiting for an apology! Those sticky notes didn't pick up themselves!

Anakin: I'm.. I'm sorry(not really it was hilarious)

Obi wan: apology NOT excepted

Anakin: oh well I tried. Now my turn...

Satine: you have to finish the other part of the dare now.

Anakin: but.. What.. That will take years!

Padme: you might think twice about playing truth or dare the day after April fools.

Anakin: fine. Rip my life


Anakin: phew, finally I'm done. You have no idea how hard it is to forgive every single Jedi that I pranked

Satine: how many Jedi did you prank, exactly?

Anakin: ... All of them

Satine: ....

Anakin: anyways my turn! Obi wan, truth or dare?

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