Maul's Revenge/ April Fools Day

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Maul: oh, yes. Today is the day...the day I can get all of my revenge...without going to jail! Mwahahaha!!!!!!

Savage: why are you evil laughing at 1:00am in the morning bro?

Maul: uh...just being evil?

Savage: what evil plans do you have in mind now? If its scaring Obi Wan with a lizard again, forget it because then we ended up on poop scooping duty at the zoo because of that.

Maul: no, no, no. I have far more sinister plans than that!!!! But of course that whole lizard deal gives me a great idea...

Savage: whatev

Maul sits down and accidentally sits on a whoopie cushion. Savage starts laughing

Maul: could you?

Savage: what? I couldn't help myself! It's April fools day after all

Maul: whatever. well I'm off! My evil plans can't wait!

Savage: you doing your evil plans 1:00am?

Maul: yes.

Later, on another chat

Ahsoka: before anything crazy happens, I just want to say nobody touch my bed

Padme: why your bed?

Ahsoka: because last time somebody made the floor all loose, and then when I sat down my whole bed collapsed under the floor.

Satine: ...well that sounds like it hurt

Ahsoka: believe me, it did

Obi Wan: don't worry Ahsoka. There's only one person out there who I pranked...


Ahsoka: oh wow, your a savage master Kenobi

Padme: well don't think Obi Wan is the only one who spent all night filling Anakin's van with sand!

Satine: lol, funny prank. I just hope nobody pranks me

Rex: okay. Its pandemonium over here

Ahsoka: what happened?

Rex: everything. The boys pranked each other and so now there's paint bombs, glitter, tea, an oven, and fake spiders everywhere.

Anakin: lolololol. I might have helped supply some of those items....

Obi Wan: wait...they're not using my tea are they?!?!


Fives: seriously! Hardcase why did you pour Bengal spice tea all over me?!?!

Obi Wan: 😥😥😥....that...was my favorite

Satine: aww, here, you can have some of mine

Obi Wan: thanks.

Obi Wan sips the tea but it tastes bad

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