Catching the Easter Bunny

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Fives: So, we've heard the it's time to confirm them...

Hardcase: That the Easter bunny is real? Or that rubber duckies are actually taking over the world, not chickens?

Jesse: Uh....

Fives: The first one. As far as we know

Echo: Fives, this isn't going to work. The Easter bunny is-

Tup: What?

Fives: Yeah Echo, what?

Echo: (You know I can't say in front of Tup)

Fives: Real. He's real. And tonight, we're going to catch him.

Dogma: You're gonna- Laughs- you can't catch the Easter bunny

Hardcase: Why not?

Dogma: Because he's-

Tup: What?

Dogma: Uhhh pink! Yeah, pink, and you can't catch pink rabbits

Echo: I would say nice save but no.

Fives: But I have a plan

Dogma: You? A plan?

Fives: Well, me and Jesse have been working it out

Dogma: Oh, great, that's even better

Echo: Let's hear it

Fives: So, we stole General Skywalker's rubber chicken trap, and now we're going to-

Dogma: Hold up. Stole??

Hardcase: Yeah! We acted like we forgot our helmets in there, then stole it

Echo: Fives-

Tup: I didn't know this plan would be so diabolical

Jesse: Its not! Yet

Fives: Look, we had to do what we had to do

Echo: Yeah, you said that when you blew my shoe up in the microwave

Jesse: Woah. I've always wanted to do that...

Tup: What's the rest of our plan

Fives: We also borrowed this other bunny from the pet store and-

Dogma: What??

Tup: Awww, its so cute

Jesse: And don't worry, we didn't steal it

Echo: That's a first

Fives: We borrowed it without permission

Dogma: You criminals...

Echo: I should've known better

Hardcase: Look! Some coco puffs!

Dogma: No that's not-

Fives: So anyways, we put this rabbit in the trap, then when the Easter bunny comes, it'll see it, and the rabbit will be all like, help me, help me, I'm captured. And the Easter bunny will try to help him, only to be captured by us. Genious, right?

Tup: One question. What's the difference between a bunny and a rabbit?

Dogma: Go ask Rex

Jesse: No, he's right. What IS the difference?

-they all think hard on it for a minute

Fives: Yeah, let's ask Rex

Echo: Um, what are you going to do with your captive here?

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