Clone movie night

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Fives: Tonight's the night guys

Jesse: Yesss!!!!

Echo: It's...

Tup: Movie night!!!

Hardcase: Popcorn and candy bar night you mean!!!

Fives: I bought a 1000 pack of popcorn off of Ebay-

Dogma: How the heck are we going to eat that much popcorn?

Jesse: You underestimate the size of our stomachs Dogma

Tup: I'm just here for the movie. What are we watching?

Echo: Either Star Wars, A New Hope, or Fast and furious

Dogma: Wait wait wait, how can we watch a New Hope? It hasn't even happened yet

Fives: Hey yeah

Jesse: We still have the fall of the Republic and all

Echo: Guys, just chill and quit breaking the fourth wall.

Tup: Its them inhibitor chips acting up again

Dogma: Fine, fine. Put the fourth wall back up!!!

Fives: I wanted to watch Despicable Me, but Echo said no. 😥

Echo: Bro, we've watched it like 1000 times

Fives: Me, Boil, and Waxer watch it all the time. Echo is so mean

Echo: Says the guy who covered my book in ducktape so I can't read it!!!!

Fives: I was just making it water proof for you

Tup: Okay, I made ten bags of popcorn.

Hardcase: Yeah!!!!

Jesse: We're gonna need like, 100 more Tup

Tup: I'm trying. But each bag takes 1 minute. So that's 100 minutes.

Jesse: Just put several in at once

Hardcase: Yeah!!!

Echo: I don't think that's a wise idea-

Fives: You don't think anything we do is

Dogma: That's cause it's not

Tup: Guys...the microwave is starting to smell weird...

Jesse: Chill. I'm sure it's just-

Hardcase: Ahhh!!!! The microwave is on fire!!!!!!

Dogma: Again

Echo: Knew it

Fives: The popcorn!!!! We have to save it!!!!

Jesse: I got it!

-Jesse uses a broom to put the fire out, but then it catches on fire too

Jesse: Ahhh!!!!

Tup: We're all gonna die!!!!!!!!!

Dogma: Would you idiots quit screaming and just use the fire extinguisher!

Fives: There! It's out

Hardcase: Oh, yay! Another destroyed microwave to play with!

Echo: You're lucky Rex wasn't here. He would've grounded you from movie night

Fives: But he's not here!

Tup: Where is Rex?

Jesse: He went out. Probably with Ahsoka or something

Fives: -gasps- Rexsokaaaa nooo I'm missing out on it!!!

Echo: Let's just get the movie started. We didn't steal this 20ft tv from the separatists for nothing

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