April fools

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Fives: echo?

Echo: what? Its 12 o clock in trying to sleep!

Fives: guess what day it is!

Echo: oh no

Fives: April fools!

Echo: what have you got planned this time?

Fives: if i told you you'd ruin it. Gtg

Echo: my life is officially over


Rex: oh my God, fives just scared me to death by putting spiders all over my room!

Anakin: please, he put snap dragons under the toliet, so when I sat down the popping scared me to death

Ahsoka: lol guys.I went in the kitchen to get some brownies, but instead all I found was brown E's

Hardcase: I went into the kitchen too, but I slipped on the floor because there was oil all over it!

Jesse: I havent got pranked yet.😁

Tup: isn't that a bad thing..

Jesse: oh yeah, sorta

Rex: where have you been all day Tup?

Tup: in my room. Hiding

Ahsoka: why?

Tup: so fives can't prank me

Rex: I don't think anything can stop fives on April fools day

Dogma: I sat down to chill lax, but instead I sat on a whoopie cushion and embarrassed myself in front of the whole 501st.

Hardcase: it was hysterical

Dogma: no it was not. Now who wants a cookie?

Hardcase: Me!

Ahsoka: this is some joke isn't it?

Anakin:only one way to find out!

Everyone goes in the kitchen and is greeted by cooked E's(as in the letter E cooked)

Dogma: got ya!

Jesse: siriously

Anakin: well at least let me eat something.

Dogma: oh, watch the fridge! The milks gone bad!

Ahsoka: something is up..

Anakin opens the fridge and seems the milk carton with an evil face drawn on it. Dogma burst out laughing

Anakin: seriously...

Ahsoka: lol good joke

Anakin: speaking of jokes... You wanna know what I did to Obi wan?

Rex: what?

Anakin: I filled his whole office with sticky notes!

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