Trick, Or Treat?

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Anakin: Its Halloween!!!!

Obi Wan: And why are you hanging off the ceiling like a bat?

Ahsoka: I think everyone wants to know why, lol

Anakin: To get into the Halloween spirit! And also because I accidentally super glued my feet on the ceiling.

Rex: #notsurprised

Fives: Rex can we go trick or treating yet??

Tup: Please please please!

Jesse: We have to get to the candy first before all that's left is rasins

Hardcase: Or soap

Ahsoka: What? Lol

Rex: Boys, its-

Fives: 5 o'clock! Let's go!!!!

Rex: Looks like I have to take them trick or treating

Anakin: You're not using my van, are you?

Rex: Yes. I have no other means of transportation so...

Obi Wan: Rex, hasn't it been painted to look like a pumpkin?

Anakin: ...

Rex: Yes.

Padme: Looks more like a giant, orange Easter Egg.

Anakin: Great! Now I can use it for two holidays in one

Padme: If you guys go trick or treating make sure to come by the Council Chambers. We have plenty to give out.

Jesse: Like rasins?

Padme: ...Yes

Fives: Yuck!!!!

Padme: We also have a ham!

Hardcase: I love ham!!!!

Ahsoka: Wait, real quick what are you guys all dressed as?

Fives: Darth Maul. I did a perfect job on the face makeup, don't you think?

Echo: It looks like you just scribbled on your face with a crayon

Fives: Maybe I did, alright!

Jesse: I was going to dress up as a shoe, but then all the shoe costumes got stolen by Maul

Padme: Shoe costumes exist?

Obi Wan: You don't wanna know

Jesse: So then I decided to dress up as a dumpster diver from things I found at the dumpster

Padme: So you're Anakin

Anakin: Hey!

Ahsoka: Can't deny the fact that you do dumpster dive tho

Rex: Well you sure smell like a dumpster Jesse

Jesse: But I put on chocolate cologne to mask them smell!

Fives: That exists???

Hardcase: No. Because I ate it!!!

Tup: How is he not dead?? Oh, and if you're wondering what I am, I chose to be a baker

Ahsoka: How cool. What are you being Hardcase?

Hardcase: I'm a chicken nugget!

(Inspired by this vine)

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