Prank Wars: Mace Windy vs Anakin Sandwalker

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Mace Windu: This April fools day....things are going to be different. I'm going to finally get Anakin Skywalker back for all the cruel pranks he's ever played on me

Aayla: Who-ee, that's a lot

Kit: How? I mean, no offense, but do you even know how to prank someone?

Adi Gallia: Lol, that's what I was thinking

Mace Windu: I've done my research! Now get ready for'll be a day to remember....for Skywalker anyways


Anakin: Okay boys. This is it

Fives: Last minute prank plans for April fools day

Jesse: I got this downnn

Fives: Yeah. I mean, we prank everyone everyday

Anakin: This year though...its time for mega revenge on Windu

Rex: I thought you wanted him to like you so you could get a seat on the council

Anakin: Well, yeah, but I decided pranking him would be more fun

Dogma: Classid General Skywalker...

Anakin: Anyways, let's go over our prank list and get everything ready....he he he....

On April Fools Day

Ahsoka: So...anyone got pranked yet?

Fives: Not ye-

A bucket of orange juice and glitter falls on him. Jesse, Hardcase, and Echo laugh

Fives: Seriously? Orange juice and glitter? Who does that?

Jesse: We do! 🤣🤣🤣

Echo: Don't you remember two years ago, you did the same to me? I told you I would get you back

Fives: That was when I thought you were incapable of a good prank

Ahsoka: Lol

Rex: Boys! Explain the fridge please

Hardcase: But we didn't throw it out the window this year!

Jesse: Honest! It wasn't us!

Rex: I meant what was in the fridge

Rex: I meant what was in the fridge

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