Toliet Papering Maul's House

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Anakin: Hey guys

Ahsoka: Yeah Skyguy?

Rex: What do you need General Skywalker?

Ahsoka: (Something crazy I bet)

Rex: (Me too)

Anakin: Guys! Were texting! I can see you whispering

Rex: Oh

Ahsoka: So what do you want? If it has anything to do with rubber chickens, count me out

Rex: Same. And grapes.

Ahsoka: Grapes?

Rex: Last week the general made me come with him to the jedi temple and throw grapes at the jedi

Anakin: It was hilarious

Ahsoka: Lol.

Rex: It wasn't so funny when Quinlan Vos started choking because he swallowed one

Anakin: I'm telling ya, he was faking it!

Rex: ....I don't know about that

Anakin: So anyways, I was going to ask for some help. Are you guys free tonight?

Rex: Depends

Ahsoka: Yeah. I was thinking about getting an ice cream at dairy queen

Rex: Oh, I'd join you

Anakin: A "date" doesn't go under the busy category.

Ahsoka: Really?

Anakin: Yeah. Padme told me so

Ahsoka: Oho, knew you two were dating

Anakin: I thought we had established that after you, Rex, Obi Wan, Satine, and Fives spied on us

Rex: Ah, I almost forgot about that

Anakin: I'll never forget it. I mean, Rex in a wig, hilarious!

Ahsoka: Lol

Rex: So what do you have in mind for this evening?

Anakin: Well, it would be more like at 1:00am in the morning

Ahsoka: Just spill. This whole thing isn't sounding the most legal

Rex: That's what I was thinking

Anakin: I want you guys to help me toilet paper Maul's house

Ahsoka: Whaaatttt????

Rex: He has a house? I thought the guy lived in the junk yard

Anakin: Well he did. But then when I was stalking him with Obi Wan, we found out that he just bought an actual house yesterday

Ahsoka: Hold up. You stalk Maul with Obi Wan? And you didn't tell me??

Rex: ....I was wondering how Maul even got any money

Anakin: Well, it's mainly just Obi Wan criticizing Maul and complaining about him. And I think he just murdered the person who lived there and took their house

Ahsoka: That's...

Rex: Brutal

Anakin: Eh. I mean, he's evil, what did you expect?

Ahsoka: Idk

Anakin: So are you guys in?

Ahsoka: I don't sounds pretty risky

Rex: And dangerous

Anakin: That's the same thing

Rex: What if we get caught?

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