Another Tag

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Hey! I've been tagged by @WolfqueenMC

1. Name?

Ohhhh not ready for a name reveal yet. Although I will say my name is really rare. I've never met anyone with the same name before.

2. Age?

Just your random 15 year old girl

3. Gender: Girl

4. Introvert or Extrovert?

Total Introvert. I really start to get the feel of wanting to just be by myself even around my family. And a day of socialization is killer! Always need a day to recover.

5. TV Show?

Do I have to pick? Arg, let's go with a few. Stargate-SG1 (watch it now sci-fi fans) The Clone Wars, obviously is number 2. Three is Miraculous Ladybug, 4 would probably be rebels, also love Zak Storm, and American Ninja warrior, oh, and let's not forget the Mandalorian! I could go on forever!

6. Sport?

The only sport I love is swimming. I love love love to swim! Other than that, a big no to sports. I support exercising, but not really a fan of sports.

7. Food?

Aw chicken, these are getting hard. Probably, well, anything chocolate, but does that count as a food? Real real food we'll go with a real juicy hamburger, or some fresh, natural fried chicken. Homeade, I don't do take out. Not in corona times anyways

8. Books or movies?

Oohhh, depends. Like totally depends. Some things are meant to be books, and others as media.

9. Coke or Pepsi?

I don't really like soda. And y'all are going to kill me, but I honestly don't even know the difference. 🙈🙈🙈

10. Sweet or savory?

Sweet all the way! Sugar and chocolate are soooo delicious

11. Dogs or cats?

Would it sound stupid if I told you guys I'm scared of dogs? Yup, I am. Totally cats. Their the sweetest things, but they don't bug you to death like dogs. I've always wanted a pet Opossum though...their my favorite animal....

12. Hogwarts house?

I don't do Harry Potter. Well, I mean I know about it, I just haven't read it. Of course I did a test for my Hogwarts house. It was hufflepuff

Now tag five people. Just five? Aw, that's hard! So anyone can join in!





The last two tags aren't working. Idk why. New update tommorow, stay tuned! Also yay, or nay to the new cover? I did several. Do you like any of them, or should I go back to the original one? Please let me know!

 Do you like any of them, or should I go back to the original one? Please let me know!

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