The Haunted Pinapple

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Rex: Will somebody please explain to me why all of my men are scared to death of a pineapple?

Ahsoka: I wish I had an explanation, but I don't.

Obi Wan: Maybe they're high on sugar again

Rex: Nope. I just got rid of all the donuts

Ahsoka: How?

Cody: He flushed them down the toilet

Rex: No. I choked them down in the swirling ground seat

Ahsoka: Lol

Fives: Ahhh!!! AHHHH!!!!

Tup: Rex help!!!! It's gonna get us!

Dogma: Be gone pineapple!!!

Fives: It's not moving!

Hardcase: AHHH!!!

Rex: Did Hardcase just jump out the window?

Fives: Yes

Jesse: Now save us!!!

Cody: Dang Rex you have a mess over there

Rex: It's always a mess.

Obi Wan: I don't want to point fingers, but I have a feeling that Anakin is totally behind this

Anakin: Did someone say my name? 😏

Ahsoka: Skyguy? How long have you been here?

Anakin: This whole time, waiting for the perfect time to show up

Rex: Of course, General

Obi Wan: Anakin, why are your men scared of a pineapple?

Anakin: That's no pineapple. Its...the haunted pinapple!!!!!

Obi Wan:



Ahsoka: If your waiting for us to get scared, it's not gonna happen

Rex: Yeah. Wait, just a minute. BOYS!!! GET OFF THE ROOF!!!

Hardcase: I'm going into the attic!!!

Fives: But the pinapple!!! It will get you!!!

Tup: Ahhh!!!

Rex: -Sighs- This has to stop

Anakin: I'm afraid it can't Rex.

Ahsoka: Why not?

Anakin: Because. Anyone who attempts to stop the pinapple becomes Its sworn enemy. And believe me, it will hunt you down.

Cody: I'm sorry, I just, it's too hard not to laugh at this

Hardcase: AHHHH

Jesse: Incoming!!!! INCOMING!!!

Ahsoka: What was that?

Rex: Hardcase just fell through the attic.

Obi Wan: Why am I not surprised?

Anakin: Because of the pinapple.

Obi Wan: That doesn't even make any sense. Just, tell us how this whole thing started.

Anakin: Well, I bought a pinapple at the grocery store

Ahsoka: I'm already not buying it

Rex: This is suspicious

Anakin: And when I got home, I put the pinapple in the fridge. But when I came back to eat it, it was gone.


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