Buying 9 Million Candy Canes (Clone Edition)

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Fives: Hey...bros?

Rex: Yes?

Echo: What did you do this time?

Jesse: Did you spill root beer on the blow dryer again?

Hardcase: I'll lick it off if you did!

Fives: I, uh...kind of need some help

Tup: If it's anything scary...count me out

Jesse: That was kind of obvious, duh

Dogma: I was just about to start making some Christmas cookies. What do you need?

Appo: Hey, yeah. What's up?

Rex: !!!!

Fives: Ahhh!!!!

Appo: What is there a spider or something???

Tup: N-no

Appo: What then?

Fives: When did you get a phone????

Rex: Yeah? I had no idea you texted Appo

Echo: Its a little surprising

Appo: Oh, yeah, I've actually had a phone from the very beginning And been on the 501st chat. I've just been chillin and watching all the craziness play out right from the start

Rex: ....

Fives: Dude, you mean you've been spying on us all this time?

Jesse: That's creepy

Dogma: I need to go home and rethink my life....

Tup: He's like a sith lord! That's been watching us this whole time!

Appo: Eh, pretty much

Fives: WHAT

Appo: Just on the watching part. I don't plan on killing any of you guys or the jedi one day, lol


Fives: Anyways, uh...basically....

Appo: What did you need?

Hardcase: I want a donut!

Dogma: Hey! Why did he just stick his head in the microwave???

Jesse: I told him maybe there was a donut in there

Rex: Boys...

Echo: Let me guess Fives, you want us to do something crazy.

Fives: I wouldn't call it crazy...

Appo: What, more insane? I've learned that that's pretty much what you guys are all about

Rex: Unfortunately true

Tup: It's not me

Dogma: Hey, I'm just making cookies. HARDCASE GET OUT OF THE BATTER!!!!

Jesse: I think I heard him slap him with a spatula

Fives: Oh, lol. He threw a cupcake holder at me once

Rex: Fives? I don't have all day, so spill on what you did

Fives: It's...well...AHHH!!!!!!!

Echo: -sighs- what?

Appo: Holy fried chicken man!!!!

Hardcase: Candy canes!!!!!!

Fives: No! No! Don't eat them!!!!!!

Rex: What is going on??

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