If The Clone Wars Was A Drama With Interviews

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●After Ahsoka became Anakin's padawn

Ahsoka: I'm here to prove myself that I can be a Jedi. I might look like a walking shrimp, but you'd be surprised with what I could do.

-She attempts to throw her lightsaber across the room and catch it, but she busts the glass of a window instead

Ahsoka: Ohho, sorry

Anakin: Did I ask for a Padawan? No. Did I ask to get my hand chopped off? No. It's like someone just wants to make fun of me or something

Obi Wan: Honestly I find it ironically hilarious, seeing as how Anakin became my Padawn the same way. Are the two of them going to get in a lot of trouble? Yes. Are they going to burn something down? Yes. But most importantly, they'll learn to hide it from me so I won't have to deal with it

-sips tea.

Obi Wan: Also my life is going to become a comedy now

●After Pong Krell's death

Rex: It's just, sad, you know, seeing others treat your brothers, like a piece of dirt. Like, like they're lives are worthless. It makes me feel...really insecure and questionable about my place in the Universe.

Tup: I was screaming internally the whole time. I've never done any field missions really, and this was, whew, something else. Traumatic.

Fives: I think Tup was talking about me putting a spider in his coffee. Hey, he was the newbie, gotta prank him sometime.

Dogma: I honestly didn't give a crap about Krell. He was a looser. If I had three bullets in my gun and I was in a room with Krell, Grevious, and Maul, I would shoot Krell three times.

Hardcase: I was having the time of my life! But then like every party, the parents show up. Except this time it was Krell brutally murdering us. Yeah, the party's over

Ahsoka, after losing her lightsaber:

Ahsoka: I can't believe it. On a list of all the worst mistakes I could've made, losing my lightsaber is like, number one. Someone's going to litterly murder me if they find out

Anakin: Its hilarious, because, uh, I did the same thing all the time as a Padawn

Obi Wan: When will they learn, that they're actions have consequences!

After Obi Wan's "death" in the Rako Hardeen episodes:

Anakin: I- I can't believe he's dead. I used to think it would be the best thing ever, because I would be able to do whatever I wanted, but now- I realize that means responsibility falls on me. -Bursts into tears-

Ahsoka: He's gone. Obi Wan was like...a sassy dad who had some obsession with the high ground. I'm gonna miss him. And his bad jokes and sarcasm.

Anakin, on the verge of a mental breakdown: dO i lOoK mEnTaLlY sTaBlE tO yOu???

Padme: He, uh, has some...issues

Satine: Obi Wan? Dead? Has the galaxy ever heard of such a travesty? And to think he had to die with that beard...he looked way handsomer without it.

After finding out Obi Wan is, indeed alive:

Ahsoka: I think he's picked up a few tricks from Maul. And yeah, I'm glad he's back because, uh, someone needs to take care of Anakin

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