The Trampoline

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Obi Wan: why is there a trampoline outside?!?

Jesse: because we bought it!

Hardcase: this is so fun!

Rex: watch out!

Hardcase: ow. That hurt.

Ahsoka: its probably not the best idea to text and jump at the same time

Obi Wan: you bought a trampoline? What? Where did you get the money? Don't tell me Anakin found this at a junk yard.

Anakin: nope

Kix: we saved all our money

Fives: and we had to do a lot of odd jobs

Jesse: yeah. Once I had to scrub somebody's bathtub.

Dogma: how is that odd?

Jesse: idk. I mean, I just never thought about having to clean a bathtub. I mean, it cleans you, so why would you have to clean it?

Tup: weird thoughts. I washed dishes for my job. It was fun, until everyone started calling me Tupperware

Fives: 😂😂😂

Echo: it was kinda funny. I wouldn't have had to work at the library if you guys didn't spend all my money on vacation

Anakin: it was worth it

Obi Wan: so your telling me you all worked and got jobs just so you could buy a trampoline?

Ahsoka: yeah, pretty much. I also bought some sunglasses.

Rex: and I bought a new toaster because my last one got blown up

Jesse: it wasn't all my fault!

Fives: prank gone wrong.

Hardcase: yeah, my face was black for 3 weeks

Ahsoka: lol

Anakin: so we have a trampoline and you don't! Nany nany boo boo!

Obi Wan: Anakin, I have the force. I can super jump off of anything I want

Anakin: yeah, but it's not as fun. Believe me, jumping off a skyscraper is just painful

Rex: still can't believe you did that

Ahsoka: me neither. But when I think about it, I can believe it

Anakin: hey Snips, I bet I can jump higher than you!

Ahsoka: your on!

Obi Wan: -sighs- this will get old fast

One week later...

Obi Wan: do you guys ever stop jumping on that thing for even a second?

Anakin: nope!

Rex: not really.

Ahsoka: it's too fun to stop!

Jesse: look! I can eat pizza and jump at the same time!

Fives: oh, let me try!

Hardcase: me too! I'll try it with some soda!

Everyone: nooooo

Hardcase: oh man I got it all over the place

Dogma: I'll get the hose

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