random craziness

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Jesse: say anything you want to in 5,4,3,2,1!

Fives: I want a cinnamon roll!

Rex: no! She's mine!

Hardcase: I don't care you broke your elbow!

Satine: where is my tea?

Obi wan: I took your frogs

Anakin: nooo! My balloon died!

Ahsoka: just give me your money!

Anakin: but I blew up!

Hardcase: I want a pet squirrel that can fly

Tup: but I already ate your cookies!

Dogma: I'm going to murder you!

Fives: wait! The glove is alive!

Rex: give me a haircut!

Fives: but I ate the sissors!

Dogma: I want the sissors!

Padme: what happened to my poodle?

Anakin: it killed my pet balloon.

Satine: I am a bee!

Obi wan:🐝

Ahsoka: my convertable ran away

Rex: 😦. I saw a banana steal it

Dogma: I'll mush it to death!

Fives: but it wanted to meet the orange in a red dress.

Tup: that's my red dress!

Hardcase: help! An opossum ate my hamburger!

Anakin: the hot dog is getting away!

Obi wan: I can do a flip off a taco.

Padme: I want some nutella but I found a blueberry.

Anakin: my balloon is back from the dead.

Tup: why did it steal my cow boy hat!

Dogma: I just turned into a cookie.

Hardcase: a wookie kidnapped me!

Satine: a star just fell on me and killed my dog.

Anakin: give me a chicken.

Obi wan: but I have a pig.

Rex: I want to do a back flip.

Ahsoka: just do it!

Rex: but the floor is lava.

Tup: then I'm dead!

Hardcase: rip. My squirrel died.

Padme: I dropped my coffee.

Anakin: what happened to my doll?

Ahsoka: I threw it in the trash

Anakin: but I want to cut its hair!

Rex: cut my hair!

Jesse: ok, this is crazy. That's enough guys.

Ahsoka: lol. I could go on forever.

Satine: we made like 0 sense.

Fives: except the part where Rex said Ahsoka was his.😏

Rex: umm, I wad just saying random things..

Anakin: sure..

Ahsoka: just leave him alone.

Anakin: you mean your boyfriend?



Fives: wait are they seriously dating!😍😍😍

Ahsoka and rex: no!

Anakin: they so are.

Well that was crazy for sure.

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