Clone Wars Characters As Incorrect Quotes

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Presenting: The clone wars characters as incorrect quotes, or, better known as funny tumblr/Twitter posts


Anakin: Love is cheap... but this booze is cheaper

Obi Wan, concerned and looking in Anakin's bottle: ...this is just vinegar


Vos: If I run and jump at Ventress, she will most certainly catch me

Vos: *Runs at Ventress*


Ventress: *Drops coffee to catch Vos*


Hardcase: Here's a fun idea- we hang a mistletoe, but instead of kissing the person underneath, we have to fight them

Rex: We are not doing that

Fives: *Nodding* Mistlefoe

Rex: Don't encourage him!


Ahsoka: How long are we going to stand here and let him do that?

Obi Wan: Just give him a minute

Anakin: *pushing on a door that clearly says pull*


Echo: *Choking*

Fives: I'm trying to call 911, but the 9 button isn't working!

Jesse: Just flip your phone upside down and use the 6

Echo, stopping his choking for a second: What the heck-


Anakin: I have an idea-

Obi Wan: If it involves you, Rex, Ahsoka and the Avatar theme song, then no

Anakin: Well never mind then


Fives: Do you think I could fit fifteen marshmallows in my mouth?

Dogma: You're a hazard the society

Anakin: And a coward. Do twenty.


Ahsoka: Fight me!

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