Pie on Thanksgiving

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Cody: Okay, -takes deep breath- are we ready?

Boil: Yes sir!

Waxer: Wait! We forgot to get canned pumpkin!

Cody: -smacks face- Well go get it!

Rex: Hey Cody. Um, what's going on?

Cody: We're conducting some very serious business here

Boil: We're making a pumpkin pie

Fives: Ha! Seriously! What kind of idiots forget to get canned pumpkin?? 😂😂😂

Rex: Fives that wasn't very nice

Cody: Uh, yeah. That's very offensive

Echo: Not to mention Fives, that just last week you fell threw the hole in General Skywalker's mancave because you forgot about what happened there.

Boil: Yikes. I remember that

Bly: Hey. Yeah, I swear I will never speak of what happened that day

Rex: Even I still question what happened...

Tup: I still have nightmares about it....

Jesse: Which part? That porg that came back from the dead and started attacking us, or how Hardcase fell threw the floor into a sarlacc pit?

Cody: I thought we agreed not to talk about that!

Tup: Um...well, it was kind of all of that...and more

Rex: I could just start naming off all the crazy things that happened there...

Waxer: I'm back! With some canned pumpkin. There was only one thing left, so I had to climb the shelves to get it

Hardcase: Oh fun!

Boil: Lukcy you didn't fall over, lol

Waxer: Oh I did

Cody: Ah, of course

Waxer: Then I ran out of there before I could get arrested

Cody: You didn't pay??? I can't use illegal canned pumpkin

Waxer: No, I payed on my way out. the store owner said something about them crazy clones

Fives: He he he...

Jesse: Yeah, we might have something to do with that

Hardcase: Riding in the shopping carts in the parking lot was fun!

Rex: Is that where you three have been going every Saturday night???

Echo: It most likely is

Trapper: Hi guys. Hi guys. Guess what? Guess what?

Cody: Trapper?

Fives: What? You can't stop repeating yourself?

Trapper: No I got a phone! Now I can text too!

Rex: Believe me, you don't want to take part in all the crazy things that happen...

Trapper: Please, General Kenobi already made me swear secrecy to keep his tea stash secret. How much weirder can things get?

Jesse: ...he has a lot to learn

Cody: Things can get much crazier. Where are you?

Trapper: I was playing on the swing set outside

Tup: You have a swing set???

Fives: We've always wanted one! Rex won't let us though

Boil: Well you guys have a trampoline

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