the plan part 2

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Fives: okay, so according to my resources, padme and Anakin are going to have dinner together tonight.

Ahsoka: what resources?

Fives: oh um, you know Yoda, Shak ti, several others, but back to the plan!

Rex: do away!

Hardcase: do away!

Tup: do away!

Jesse: do away!

Rex: don't test my patience, boys.

Fives: as I was saying, padme and Anakin are going on a possible date. I'm going to need some undercover couples to investigate...

Obi wan: don't you even say it..

Satine: please don't.

Fives: obi wan and Satine will be couple one, while rex and Ahsoka will be couple two.

Obi wan: sorry, but I'm dead.

Satine: do we have to? This Is crazy!

Ahsoka: no, I'm not going on an undercover date with Rex. If Anakin saw he would drive me insane.

Rex: yeah, same. General Skywalker would bug me about it forever...

Fives: fine, I'll go with Ahsoka. Satine can go with.. Um how about kix?

Kix: no!

Tup: no!

Jesse: no!

Hardcase: no!

Dogma: just shut up

Rex: fives your not going on a date with Ahsoka. Like I mean EVER.

fives: why not?

Rex: because I'm going with Ahsoka. Get ready to go my cinnamon roll. I mean, uh Ahsoka

Ahsoka: fine, but just because your so persistent.

Satine: okay, maybe going out with obi wan undercover isn't that bad if an idea. (No offense Kix)

Kix: none taken.

Obi wan: I hate to wonder who else your going to pair me up with. So fine I will go out undercover with Satine

Fives: great! Well that's all settled! Now for your disguises...

Obi wan: help me.


Obi wan: I feel like a fat man who eats chilli all day

Fives: well that's what you are tonight!

Obi wan is wearing this fat suit that makes him look huge. Along with a giant fake red beard and hair.

Obi wan: what have I signed up for...

Fives: at least Anakin won't recognize you. Now remember, your name is haroldaz jazz.

Obi wan: that's a bit elaborate, don't you think?

Fives: na

Obi wan: where did you even come up with this fat suit?

Fives: Hardcase was scammed with it by this dealer. At least it will have some good purpose tonight.

Obi wan: right, tonight..

On another chat...

Satine: I've never felt so humiliated in my life.

Fives: plz, its just for one night. You'll go with obi wan's costume perfectly

Satine is wearing a huge poofy dress along with a black curly wig and a pair of reading glasses.

Satine: lets just get this over with, shall we?

Fives: oh, and your code name is Harriet picklevomit

Satine: you sure that's not a little, I don't know, weird?

Fives: just stick with it!

Satine: -sighs- okay

On yet another chat

Ahsoka: this is not going to end well. I just know it.

Ahsoka is wearing a fake head peace over her own montarals making them look much larger and bigger, oh and zebra stripped! And she's wearing this really weird outfit.(I'll let you imagine that part) and instead of white face paint she's wearing green facepaint, along with some sunglasses.

Fives: na, you look great. Nothing like Ahsoka.

Ahsoka: I'm not even going to question where you got these outfits and things at.

Fives: good, you don't want to know. Now remember, your code name is jillious jingle.

Now, finally on a chat with all of them

Fives: are you all ready to execute the plan?

Ahsoka: uh, I guess?

Satine: sure.

Obi wan: Whatever

Fives: where is Rex at?

Rex: I'm here

Rex comes in, wearing a shaggy black wig like the bettles, along with some cool shades and this rock starish outift. Everyone burst out laughing when they see him

Rex: why did I decide to do this again?

Fives: because you want to go on a date with ahsoka!


Ahsoka: lets just go already!

Fives: oh, wait there's a few more details I have to work out. First of all, rex your name is odle Winston. Now second of all, master Yoda is going to be taking pictures for proof. Hardcase and jesse are going to be a distraction if anything goes wrong. And tup will be the backup camera
I'll be watching the whole thing, and tell you everything thats happening. Got it?

Obi wan: yeah, I think.

Satine: the names are a bit elaborate though, don't you think?

Fives: they're necessary!

Ahsoka: if you say so..

Fives: now one more time, all of you tell me your names!

Obi wan: Haroldaz Jazz

Satine: Harriet picklevomit

Ahsoka: jillious jingle

Rex: odle Winston

Fives: great! Now it's time for the plan to go into action! Mwahahaha!

Rex: what's with the evil laughing?

Fives: idk, it just felt right.

To be continued...

The names tho. You've gotta laugh. The next chapter could get a little weird though... Oh wait its already weird...

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