Boil And Waxer

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Boil: Waxer what are you doing?

Waxer: I'm trying to sleep, you?

Boil: I'm thinking about Numa.

Waxer: Me too, I miss her. Do you think we'll see her again?

Boil: I hope so

Waxer: Do you ever...just want to quit?

Boil: Quit what?

Waxer: Fighting. What if we just left? We could go see Numa, and we wouldn't have all those nightmares about are brothers who died, and about killing our General.

Boil: We can't leave, desert the Republic. If we did, Numa and thousands others would suffer because we couldn't win the war.

Waxer: That's true. I just, sometimes wish we could choose are own life, ya know?

Boil: Yeah. But we better get some sleep. Aren't you going to Umbara tommrow?

Waxer: Yeah. I just wandered...what would happen if I died, or I couldn't see Numa again? Who would protect her?

Boil: I would. If you die, which you won't, I'll take good care of Numa

Waxer: Thanks Boil that makes me feel better. Goodnight

Boil: Goodnight brother.

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