the jealously wars

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Ahsoka: the sky looks so pretty out here.

Maul: it reminds me of that time Kenobi cut me in half and I fell through space.

Hardcase: once I cut a pig in half.

Jesse: you mean bacon?

Hardcase: well yeah, but I still cut a pig in half, technically.

Rex: -facepalm-

Dogma: once I killed a cockroach because it was in my bathtub.

Echo: dude.

Fives: that was so disturbing.

Tup: wait, why did Obi-Wan cut Maul in half?

Maul: because he was jealous of me

Obi wan: uh, that's not why! He legit killed my master

Anakin: ah, I remember ol' Qui Gon.

Rex: what's that sound?

Ahsoka: its probably the toilet. It wasn't working well earlier.

Obi wan: I think that's because Anakin was trying to see if he could use the force to flush the toilet.

Anakin: pw, I was not. I simply dropped my pop tart in there and was trying to get it out.

Maul: y'all are weird.

Rex: I feel like we all already knew that.

Ahsoka: XD

Anakin: uh! I sense something in the force!

Ahsoka: what?

Anakin: its... My wife!

Obi wan: wait, what?

Anakin: I mean, its my life! Yeah, I just, you know, felt myself in the force.

Rex: hey, is that a ship out there?

Fives: na, the ships inside with you and Ahsoka.

Rex: seriously, are you ever going to leave me alone about that?

Fives: nope.

Maul: There's some ship out there. Did you guys invite someone else or something?

Anakin: what, no! It must be invaders!

Maul: Good thing I brought my lightsaber. I'll go deal with them

Ahsoka: wait, that ship looks familiar...

Padme and her "friends" have hacked into this chat

Padme: what's up?

Lux: uh, the sky

Barriss: your so smart. 💖

Shak Ti: I'm screenshoting this for my report.

Plo Koon: did anyone bring my shining head cream? Uh, my face is already looking dull.

Luminera: oh, I put it in the fridge.

Plo Koon: why?

Luminera: because it was taking up too much room for my cosmetics.

Satine: hello everyone.

Obi wan: hello there.

Anakin: what are you doing here Padme?

Ahsoka: yeah, and the rest of you guys.

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