The Winner May the 4th Special Part 5

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Ahsoka: Hondo...

Rex: Jump out of the window Ahsoka! I'll cover you!

Ahsoka: Aww, Rex! That's so sweet

Rex: Oh there's no way I'm getting thrown out of a window again

-Ahsoka jumps out of the window

Hondo: Noa, seriously, she just did that? Crazy Jedi! Crazy! Ima not doing sucha thing

Rex: Yeah me neither

Jesse: kIlL tHe JeDi!!!

Rex: Jesse, snap out of it! Ahsoka's gonna win

Vos: Oh, I don't this so!

Then, Vos comes out of nowhere, jumps out the window, and steals the holocron from Ahsoka

Vos: Yes! Ha-

Hunter: Now boys!

Crosshair: On it

Crosshair shoots the holocron right out of Vos's hand, then Tech accurately grabs it himself, then tosses it to Wrecker who successfully gets it to the van

Fives: No.way.

Jesse: Is that even possible?

Wrecker: Yeah!!!! We won!!!

Hunter: Great job everyone!

Tech: Now that, is an example of team effort

Crosshair: But you couldn't have done it without me

Echo: Or me. You guy's wouldn't even have known there was a competition if I didn't tell you

Hunter: True. We gotta hand some of the credit to Echo

Anakin: I...can't believe it

Obi Wan: Indeed so. That was crazy.

Anakin: No, I can't believe that I didn't win!

Padme: Me neither :(

Ahsoka: But it was all for the fun of it

Aayla: It was a great way to spend May the 4th

Adi Gallia: Yeah!

Vos: Winning. It was shot right out from under me

Ventress: Yeah, litterly! I can't believe you didn't win for me!

Vos: -shrugs-

Kit: We should so do that again sometime

Yoda: Yes, shall we.

Shaak Ti: ....that's really weird because shall we is like a question, but since Yoda says it backwards it's like a statement

Barriss: #Confusion

Lux: I want a peice of cheese.

Ahsoka: ???

Hunter: we get like, a prize or something for winning?

Yoda: Mmm, yes.

Chancellor Palpatine: You get your own tv show!!! Congrats!

Wrecker: Yeah!!!!! I'm going to blow things up!!!!

Crosshair: That was expected.

Tech: As were our chances of winning.

Adi Gallia: I don't know about you guys, but I feel like we should do something else to celebrate

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