The Cheeto Thief

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Fives: Alright, that's it. Show yourself!

Jesse: How did you know I was hiding in your closet wearing a shrek mask waiting to scare you?

Tup: What

Fives: No! That's not what I meant. Someone, stole my cheetos!







Echo: Maybe you're the one who ate them and you just forgot

Fives: No! Someone, here in this base, ate them, and I intend to find out who

Rex: Fives, are you sure-

Fives: And where were you, Rex? Stealing cheetos, hmm?

Rex: What? No, I was...doing stuff

Kix: No offense, but that does sound kind of suspicious Rex

Rex: I was, downstairs, playing on the wii

Fives: And just what exactly were you playing?

Rex: Umm, Well- -sighs- I was playing Just dance! But, please don't tell General Skywalker! He'll make fun of me

Jesse: Rex playing Just Dance? 🤣

Dogma: That's as good as it sounds

Hardcase: I love to dance

Echo: All he can do is the macarena and its getting old

Fives: Playing on the wii, you say? Looks like we'll have to take a look at the security camera to confirm that

Rex: Fives, please-

Kix: They're already racing there


Tup: Lol

Fives: Lol isn't bold enough to describe it

Dogma: Its more like: 🤣😭😭🤣

Rex: Please, stop laughing at my dancing skills. I bet I'm better than Cody is

Echo: Maybe we should ask him 🤣

Fives: Lol, yes. But after I catch the cheeto thief! Hardcase, you're next!

Hardcase: Why me?

Fives: Because you've been known to steal food. And what kind of sensible person wouldn't steal cheetos?

Kix: Don't you mean what kind of sensible person would?

Echo: Hardcase isn't exactly sane, you know 😜

Dogma: None of you are

Jesse: I'm doing it. I'm going to wear this shrek mask out on the battlefield.

Rex: Please no I've been embarrassed enough

Fives: So where were you Hardcase? What were you doing?

Hardcase: When?

Fives: Today! Right before I called you here!

Hardcase: Weeeell, first, I was brushing my head.

Tup: But you don't have hair

Hardcase: Leave me alone! And then, once I was done, I used the trampoline to jump onto the roof

Rex: Well at least I know what that loud thud was.

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