Halloween Shopping + Nobody Steals Anakin's Van

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Aayla: Hey guys, wanna go Halloween shopping?

Adi Galada: Hey, sure. That sounds like fun

Kit: Oh yeah. I need to get a few more things for my costume

Shak Ti: What are you being?

Kit: The green giant. You know, the guy on the green bean can and other vegetables

Shak Ti: A, green bean man?

Kit: Um...yeah, pretty much

Aayla: Oh, cool. I'm not sure what I'm being. I thought about dressing up as a sith, but then someone might try to kill me. Then I thought about dressing up as a blueberry, but I decided against it

Shak Ti: I wasn't really going to dress up.

Adi Galada: -gasps- Why not?

Shak Ti: Just cause I don't know what to be

Adi Galada: eh, you'll find something if you come with us. I was going to be a zombie. Then I was going to try and scare someone

Kit: Uh, wait. What are we going to be riding in

Shak Ti: What about the segways?

Adi Galada: Yeah, no. I accidentally crashed mine into the window and then Mace Windu grounded me from mine...so yeah.

Aayla: Vos asked to borrow mine, and then he never gave it back

Kit: That's Quinlan Vos for you. I brought mine to Anakin's man cave, but then it became an off limits zone because it wasn't a strong enough structure to live in

Shak Ti: Eug, I saw the outside of that place when I was on an errand down in the underworld one day. It's a wonder nobody ever got hurt in that place.

Kit: Oh they did. One day one of the clones fell threw the floor. They got him out, but it was a mess. You would have to ask Anakin himself for the details. I think he covered the hole with duck tape

Adi Galada: Omg 😂😂😂

Aayla: -gasps- that's it! Anakin went on some mission today, which means his van will be empty

Adi Galada: Which means we steal it

Kit: Ah...

Shak Ti: Won't Skywalker kill us?

Aayla: Only if he finds out!

Kit: True, true

Adi Galada: Let's do it!

Aayla: Good thing I know exactly where Anakin keeps his keys

Kit: I think we all do

Shak Ti: He hides them inside the coffee maker he never uses, right?

Aayla: Yep! I found them! Let's go

So they go in Anakin's van

Kit: You know, I feel kind of guilty about this. I mean, what if we crash?

Adi Galada: Pfft, Anakin had crashed this van so many times he wouldn't even notice if a whole door was missing

Aayla: Besides, I've never once crashed. Unless you count the time I ran over a droid...

Shak Ti: I just worry about what will happen to us if Anakin finds out

Adi Galada: He's not going to.

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