Buying 9 Million Candy Canes (Jedi Edition)

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Ahsoka: Skyguy, what are you doing?

Anakin: Openimg every door in the jedi temple, until finally I find the Christmas presents

Obi Wan: Nobody is stupid enough to hide your presents in the jedi temple

Anakin: Hey! Once I found one in the fridge!

Ahsoka: ...You never found the one in the microwave?

Anakin: Snips, I burnt the one in the microwave

Adi Gallia: So that's what happened to the barbie doll I hid in there

Aayla: Omg

Adi Gallia: What did you even do with it?

Anakin: Well....I tries scraping the plastic off, but it didn't give way  I just caught the whole microwave on fire and burnt it up

Plo Koon: Another lost microwave...

Kit Fisto: Didn't you throw one at Mace Windu once?

Anakin: ....I saw this crazy conspiracy theory that he was a sith lord. It got to my head

Mace Windu: Yeah, well when I see a theory that you're going to be a sith one day, another microwave will go to your head

Ahsoka: Yikes

Obi Wan: Don't go to youtube

Aayla: There's some weird videos on there

Anakin: Hey, what's behind this door?

Obi Wan: You probably don't want to know

Plo Koon: I thought that was just a storage closet

Ahsoka: Well I found a segway in one once, so you never know. Let's open it up!

Anakin: Snips, I like your spirit!

They open the door, and candy canes come pouring out

Ahsoka: Ahhh!!!

Anakin: Yum! And ahhh!!!

Adi Gallia: What's happening?

Ahsoka: There's- there's candy canes in here!

Kit Fisto: What's so weird with that?

Aayla: I love candy canes

Adi Gallia: Who doesn't?

Aayla: Maul. I saw him burn one in his oven one day

Kit Fisto: O-kay

Ahsoka: Uh, somebody help!

Anakin: Why?

Ahsoka: Um, because we're going to drown in candy canes!

Obi Wan: What?

Ahsoka: There's like over a million candy canes flowing out of this room!

Anakin: And they're still coming! Maybe this was a gift from Santa!!

Obi Wan: Santa Claus isn't dumb enough to give Anakin over a "million" candy canes

Ahsoka: I was not exaggerating! If anything, there's more than a million!

Plo Koon: Get out of there! I repeat, retreat

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