The Picnic

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Ahsoka: Today was a great day to have a picnic

Rex: After a whole week of rain, definitely

Dogma: It's a nightmare being stuck inside for a whole week with Jesse, Hardcase and Fives.

Fives: Come on, just imagine how boring your lives would be without us!

Echo: And how sane they would be.

Tup: When you guys came inside after jumping in mudpuddles...I didn't think Rex would ever forgive you for covering the house in mud

Hardcase: It looked like someone poured chocolate all over the house!

Dogma: Or the other alternative...

Anakin: I once had a mud fight in the Jedi temple with Vos. We we're grounded for a week

Ahsoka: I remember hearing about that as a youngling 🤣

Anakin: But hey, we're all here now, on a beautiful Summer day

Kix: Hot Summer day, but this beats killing clankers by far

Hardcase: Clankers???? Where?!?!

Rex: Hey! No- that's just a rubber ball!

Jesse: Let's tackle it!!!! Arg!!!

Fives: Pass it to me! I'm free!!!

Echo: Wait, what game are you playing?

Jesse: The Olympics.

Kix: That's not-

Dogma: Technically it is a game

Rex: Hey, why don't we eat our food first, then go play

Anakin: Good idea Rex. I'm starved. What did you guys bring for lunch.

Tup: I brought a jar of peanut butter

Echo: Oh great. For peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

Tup: ...No. I just, um, got it to eat by itself

Dogma: Eh, it's not that weird

Tup: Really?

Fives: I saw Dogma eat tuna out of the can once

Hardcase: At least it wasn't out of an Aquarium. I once tried to steal a fish from there.

Jesse: ...How did it go?

Hardcase: Me almost getting drowned in one of those giant tank thingies.

Ahsoka: Well, that's, uh, surprising. Me and Rex went by to get some lunch.

Fives: The two of you? Together? How romantic

Rex: We litterly just went through a drivethrough. How is that romantic at all?

Fives: The together part 😏

Ahsoka: No, not really

Rex: For lunch we got some coleslaw, chips-

Jesse: Wait how many???

Kix: How many do we need?

Fives: 56,000 bags

Echo: Bro that's a little overkill, isn't it?

Fives: Well not if I'm going to feed the ducks some.

Tup: But you're supposed to feed them bread.

Hardcase: Last time I did that they chased me around until I handed them over the bag

Anakin: Ha, same thing happened to me

Rex: I got 10 bags of chips. We also got caffeine and sugar free soda-

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