Hide In Go Seek In The Dark (In The Jedi Temple)

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Aayla Seriously? Why do I always have to be the one to find you guys?

Kit: Just find us and then you can hide

Anakin: Pfft, you'll never find me

Ahsoka: I know exactly where you're at Skyguy

Anakin: !!! If you spoil it I'll never let you ride in my van again

Ahsoka: Um...okay

Obi Wan: I know where you're at too Anakin.

Shaak Ti: I bumped into someone by the giant statue over to the right

Adi Gallia: Hey!

Aayla: I'm coming for ya!

Adi Gallia: And I'm running!

Aayla: You can't do that! Can she?

Obi Wan: Are there even any rules to this game?

Anakin: Not really

Ahsoka: Considering Anakin's hiding place...no

Anakin: Quit spoiling it!

Vos: Look, guys, this is pretty much just like tag in the dark. You get tagged,you're out. If not, you're still in

Aayla: I knew it was you who kept brushing past me

Plo Koon: I'm just wondering how long we have to stay where we are

Anakin: Until we're found!

Plo Koon: That might be a while

Ahsoka: Oh yeah

Aayla: Ah! Who did I just trip over on the floor?

Barriss: Oh, that was me.

Ahsoka: Lol. The floor is a brilliant, yet stupid place to hide

Barriss: Yeah. You just practically stepped on my face

Aayla: Sorry

Vos: Reminds me of the time I hid ontop of the refrigerator. I'm like, 90% sure a cockroach crawled over me

Adi Gallia: Ewww

Obi Wan: How often have you played this game?

Vos: A lot. I'm practically a master

Anakin: As if. I'm the real master

Obi Wan: You'll both be a master at getting caught when you're found

Anakin: 🙄

Ahsoka: Gotta love a master who roasts you. (Better than one who has an obsession with a van and is scared to death of rubber chickens)

Vos: I bet you'll be found before me Skywalker

Anakin: I bet not!

Vos: A bet it is then! I'll give you a whole refrigerator if I get found first...if you do, then you have to buy me one of every single item from the dollar store

Anakin: Oh, you're on!

Ahsoka: Lol, you should've said target

Vos: No, the dollar store is wayyy better

Aayla: He practically lives there. :) :) lol

Vos: I did spend the night in there ontop of one of the shelves

Shaak Ti: I accidentally got locked inside Space McDonald's once

Adi Gallia Omg, really?

Shaak Ti: Yeah

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