random craziness Jedi style

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Kit: so, there's something I've been wanting to do for a while...

Aayla: what is it?

Obi wan: yeah

Kit fisto: it's called... Random craziness!

Plo Koon: I tried it once with the wolf pack. Its pretty fun

Adi gallida: oh, I've heard of that game.

Obi wan: its not really a game though. Its just saying random stuff.

Shak ti: is that what it is?

Anakin: uh, duh. Have you been living under a rock or something?

Shak Ti: I've been living in the Jedi temple!

Obi wan: Anakin don't be so rude. Random craziness is kinda a game we made up.

Kit: well, who wants to play?

Aayla: sure.

Mace windu: uh, no. I'm a Jedi master. I don't have time for these kinds of games.

Yoda: play, I will.

Anakin: uh, yeah!

Ahsoka: hey guys I just got here. I guess I'll play.

Luminera: eh might as well play. I'm kinda bored.

Barriss: can I play too master?

Luminera: when you finish mopping the floors you can.

Barriss:I did that yesterday!

Lumimera: fine then.

Obi wan: sure, I'll play

Adi Gallida: uh, yeah I'll play!

Plo koon: sounds like fun

Shak Ti: okay, I'll try it out.

Kit: okay! Say anything you want to in 5,4,3,2,1...go!

Ahsoka: give me a ham

Adi gallida: I murdered a turkey.

Obi wan:😥 but it was dating the banana.

Anakin: I blew up a green bean cause it was after me.

Yoda: how could you, Skywalker.

Plo koon: I bought a flute for 3787688877788 dollars

Shak Ti: fine! Just go break my recliner!

Kit: I went to the hair salon and bought a comb.

Aayla: kit wanted a kit cat that came in a kit.

Anakin: dance like you know you can!

Adi Gallida: I broke my head.

Barriss: what happened to the blue elephant?

Lumimera: I am the yoyo master!

Obi wan: no, I am.

Plo Koon: where did my baby wolves go?

Ahsoka: just give me some milk before I explode!

Yoda: na, the camel is nicer.

Kit: I painted the barn neon yellow

Shak Ti: come to me, my daughter!

Ahsoka: I'm not your daughter!

Plo koon: she's my daughter!

Lumimera: where is my daughter?

Barriss: I'm not your daughter.

Aayla: I fried the steak on the refrigerator

Anakin: pine trees are nasty

Ahsoka: masters are mean.

Barriss: yeah girl.

Lumimera: padawans are annoying.

Anakin: yeah.

Yoda: sense a banana i do, in the force.

Obi wan: why did the balloon steal my tea?

Plo Koon: it stole my mascara too

Shak ti: just give up the play dough!

Ahsoka: but its my favorite!

Aayla: I just ran my car into the Jedi temple.

Anakin: I pranked master windu.

Ahsoka: then I pranked a lemon.

Anakin: no, I seriously did. He's trying to murder me. And the 501st.


Anakin: gtg. I've gotta go into hiding.

Shak Ti: was that part of the game?

Ahsoka: no, I don't think it was. I better go and make sure the 501st is okay.

Kit: this just got serious. Anakin is a dead man now.

To be continued... sort of

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