Rexoka happening?😱😱😱

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Ahsoka: uhhh!

Rex: what is it?

Ahsoka: Anakin! And fives! I can't believe they tried to pair us up!

Rex: me neither. That was soo embarrassing

Ahsoka: no kidding. Now everyone thinks were dating!

Rex: sorry

Ahsoka: what if we get revenge?

Rex: don't Jedi have a thing against revenge?

Ahsoka: well I would just be getting them back, and besides, I'm still a padawan, so it doesn't count. I don't think

Rex: ok. How would we get revenge?

Ahsoka: make them think Rexoka is actually happening!

Rex: not bad, but how would we do it?

Ahsoka: ok. So here's the plan. You know how we have the old accounts that fives hacked?

Rex: yeah

Ahsoka: we text on there and act like were dating. Fives will freak out and tell Anakin

Rex: this is great

Ahsoka: so then we act like were meeting someplace, like, well hmm let me think

Rex: what about we put Hardcase high on coffee and lead them into there?

Ahsoka: yes! And then we could put them in the room with the younglings, and put on a video of Yoda singing! That would annoy Anakin so much

Rex: yes! This is perfect! -fist bumps Ahsoka-

Ahsoka: -fist bumps Rex- lets do it!


Rex: hey

Ahsoka: oh, hey Rex. I missed you

Rex: you too my cinnamon roll

Ahsoka: 😘

Rex: so do you want to meet up?

Ahsoka: yeah, lets go to the teaching room in the Jedi temple. 4:00pm

Rex: see you there my love.💖

Ahsoka: you too! My Rexter.💖

Fives internally screaming. I have to tell this to general Skywalker!

Fives: oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!

Anakin: what is it, fives?

Fives: its.. Oh my God, Rexoka is happening!

Anakin: what???

Fives: from their accounts that I hacked they were texting each other

Anakin: what did they say?

Fives: rex called Ahsoka his cinnamon roll, and his love

Anakin: oh my God

Fives: and Ahsoka called rex her Rexter and sent him an emoji blowing a kiss

Anakin: -internally screaming- AHHH! I CANT BELIEVE ITS HAPPENING!

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