Couples Chat/Friends Chat

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Anakin has added Obi-Wan, Satine, Ahsoka, Lux, and Padme to the chat

Ahsoka: Hey Skyguy. What's this?

Anakin: I call it...the couples chat.

Obi wan: OMG! Anakin how many times do I have to tell you me and Satine are just friends!

Satine: Yeah!

Ahsoka: Please, everybody ships you two!

Satine and Obi-Wan: They do???

Ahsoka: Yep

Lux: Hey Ahsoka  😏

Ahsoka: I'm only gonna tell you once; me and Lux are not a thing

Lux: Not yet...

Ahsoka: Skyguy!!!

Anakin: Geez, okay!

Anakin has kicked Lux off the chat and added Rex

Ahsoka: Oh my God.

Rex: Why am I here?

Obi-Wan: You don't want to know

Rex: ....Oh.

Ahsoka: UMM I don't like Rex either!

Anakin: Are you sure about that?

Ahsoka: Well, I like him as a friend, of course, but not like that!

Rex: Umm...same

Anakin: Then how do you explain this!

Anakin: Then how do you explain this!

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Rex: Uhh...

Ahsoka: I passed out, and Rex was just there to catch me. Btw thanks Rex

Rex: No prob 👌

Anakin: Then how about this!

Anakin: Then how about this!

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