late May the fourth

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Yoda: missed may the fourth, I have.

Obi wan: same. How could I have missed it? I know I had it written down on my calender

Anakin: wait, it's past may the fourth??? And I might have had something to do with the calender...

Obi wan: Anakin...

Ahsoka: I think we all missed may the fourth.

Aalya: yeah, I was stuck in stasis for the weekend.

Kit: same! How'd it happen?

Aayla: I was messing around with the thing, and then I got stuck in it some how

Shak ti: me too!

Kit: yeah!

Mace windu: I sense a plot going on here.

Yoda: agree with windu, I do.

Ahsoka: the sith! They must have pranked us!

Adi gallida: !!! I can't believe this!

Anakin: so.. What are we gonna do?

Luminara: well, we can get back at them later, but for now we need to plan a party

Obi wan: I'll bring some donuts. And make sure this party is prank proof. I'm still recovering from last year...

Adi Gallida: what happened last year? I was on break and I missed the party.

Aalya: believe me, you don't want to know.

Ahsoka: yeah...

Anakin: oh come on, that was funny.

Obi wan: you scared me to death

Plo koon: wait are you guys talking about the time Anakin drowned us in rubber chickens practically?

Obi wan: yeah..

Kit: I do not want to relive that...

Adi gallida: I'm not even gonna ask.

Luminara: back to party plans people!

Shak ti: when did you get so serious about parties?

Luminara: uh, today?

Plo koon: well I'll bring may the fourth be with you balloons to the party.

Kit: I'll bring cookies.

Aayla: yum! I will bring party hats!

Ahsoka: I want to decorate!

Lumimera: ok, but that's kind of a big job for one person.

Ahsoka: oh, I can probably get some help from the 501st.

Plo koon: the wolf pack wants to help too

Ahsoka: okay. Tell them to meet me in the Jedi temple at noon.

Plo koon: 👌

Lumimera: okay. The party will be tonight at 8:00.

Adi gallida: I will bring tables. I own LOTS and lots of tables.

Shak ti: let's see, I will bring some pulled pork.

Aayla: what's pulled pork?

Kit: its kinda like pulled bantha.

Aayla: oh interesting

Obi wan: Satine texted me. She said she'd bring tea.

Lumimera: great! I'll bring some salad.

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