Halloween: Sith Edition

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Maul: What is going on?

Savage: ...I thought it would be a good idea to fill the bathtub with hot dogs, but it wasn't.

Maul: No! Look outside! Young children are demanding candy from everyone

-Their doorbell rings

Maul: Ahh!!!

Savage The Jedi must've found us!!!

Maul: Wait, it is just a filthy child. What do you want?

Random Kid: Candy!

Maul: And I want Obi Wan to suffer as I have! We do not always get what we want! Shew!!!

-He throws a shoe at the kid

Savage: Brother, I have studied up on google, and it appears that at this time every year, children do a ritual known as trick or treating where they get free candy

Maul: I see Skywalker and some clones. Why is one dressed as...a chicken nugget?

Savage: It says here you are supposed to dress up as anything

Maul: Anything? Tell me brother, what do I like to do when I'm not plotting my revenge on Obi Wan?

Savage: Eat a taco?

Maul: No

Savage: Pet a cat?

Maul: No!

Savage: Murder people?

Maul: I meant steal things! And get things free!

Savage: I still don't think stealing every single salt and pepper shaker from restaurants was a good idea

Maul: Perhaps not. But they made wanted signs! I propose, that we dress up tonight and steal as much candy as we can. Mwahahaha!!!!

Savage: Sounds like fun to me. I was tired of analyzing that Obi Wan looking at sea otters on Kamino video anyways.

Maul: The sea otters are working for him!!!! I'm telling you!!!!!!


Maul: Yes. Yes. This shoe costume is...perfection!

Savage: I'm a hot dog! You know, it's really hard to do a flip in this thing

Maul: Please, no more demonstrations please. Our sofa has suffered enough

Savage: Let's go! Wait...what do we put all of our candy in?

Maul: These shoes

Savage: ...But they smell weird.

Maul: It is either that or the toilet bowl

Savage: Ok

Maul: Shall we sneak in through the window while the children serve as a distraction?

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