The Incident At The Mancave

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Anakin: So, what do we got my men?

Fives: I found this roll of ducktape in the trash can. I thought we could use it to decorate the walls of the mancave

Rex: Or fix the walls...

Dogma: How did they get...destroyed like that anyways?

Anakin: Let's just say it's not a good idea to ride a segway around in here while holding your lightsaber

Cody: Noted.

Tup: Uh, I brought this thing of brownie mix. It was at at a yard sale.

Jesse: Dude! They probably poisoned it!

Hardcase: Oh! Brownies!

Rex: Hardcase! No!!!

He eats the brownie mix

Fives: Well, at least we know the brownies weren't poisonous

Anakin: -sighs- Well, there goes breakfast. I guess we can use the box as a wall decoration.

He tapes it on the wall

Rex: Uh...sir, don't we have more important things to do than, to um, furnish your mancave?

Anakim: Uh, no. What else have you all brought?

Kix: This first-aid kit. And bye, I'm not staying in this place. I have actual work to do.

Jesse: Reorganizing your bandages for the 100th time doesn't count as busy

Bly: I, uh, brought this thing of clean-x's. Uh, may I ask why there is a porg statue on that cardboard box?

Anakin: That's my desk! And, well, let's just say that's my prize from a hard working day of Porg hunting

Fives: Ah, I remember that. Quite well...

Hardcase: It was fun!

Jesse: Crazy

Bly: I've...heard the tales

Anakin: Anyways, down to business!

Tup: Uh...may I ask what that means?

Cody: We can't exactly shoot some clankers in here

Anakin: We could line up some criminal rubber chickens and pulverize them to orange juice

Dogma: What

Jesse: So that's why that orange juice tasted so weird

Cody: -spits it out- I'm never eating something in here ever again.

Rex: Wise choice. I learned the hard way. Let's just say never try General Skywalker's lasagna.

Anakin: Oh whatever. As for business, you have two options. A, we can discuss ways to prank people like Obi Wan, Ahsoka, and Padme, or B, we can go over my master plan on how to obliterate every rubber chicken in existence


Fives: Is there a third option?

Echo: Probably not.

Rex: Uh...why not work on those puzzles...over there?

Tup: Oh! Puzzles!!!

Fives: I can do them quicker than you!

Anakin: Oh, those aren't puzzles. They're pictures of Yoda I cut up when I got mad at him

Cody: (Is it safe to leave?)

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