Lemmon head over dose

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Darth Vader: woah! Man you like almost cut me in half!

Obi Wan: this is a life and death battle Anakin.

Darth Vader: oh, okay

Obi Wan: wait, why are we texting when we could just be talking?

Darth Vader: idk. Back to the battle!

Padme_the_angry and Satine_the_queen have angrily hacked into this chat

Padme: Anakin Skywalker what the chicken are you doing?!?!??!

Satine: and same to you Obi Wan. Have you had on overdosage of tea?

Obi Wan:


Anakin: wait who changed my name?!?!?

Padme: your name is Anakin not Darth Vader. You can't just become a Sith lord whenever the bantha you want to!!!

Anakin: I feel like I'm going to get grounded or something.

Obi Wan: yeah, girls, we were just having a fun little brothery battle. Its not like we were trying to kill each other.

Satine: really? I legit saw you try to chop Anakin in half.

Obi Wan:

Anakin: #weredonefor

Obi Wan: #Ialreadyknowthatanakin

Padme: you have five minutes to explain yourselves or your going to have to grill chicken all week!!

Satine: wait, what? You sure that's a good threatening punishment?

Padme: hmm...Your right. I'll make you guys watch the younglings all week!!! Mwahahaha!!!!

Anakin: #weneedagoodexcuse

Obi Wan: #youthinkofsomethingtosay

Satine: why are you talking in hashtags

Anakin: uh...no reason! No reason!

Padme: get to explaining yourselves boys.

Obi wan: there is a perfectly logical explanation for all of this

Anakin: yes, there is.

Padme: and what is this logical explanation.

Obi Wan: Anakin, why don't you explain to Padme the logical explanation behind you becoming a Sith lord and us having a deadly lava battle.

Anakin: um... Well, its actually kind of a funny story...you see, I wanted to have a great vacation so the Palpatine said he could do that if I became a Sith lord so then I did and then I tried and kill Obi Wan because my new master said to and then he sent the clones to kill everyone else but then they escaped and me and Obi Wan were fighting and then you girls stopped us and that's what happened.

Satine: okay there was like no logic in that at all.

Obi Wan: yeah. Not exactly what I meant Anakin

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