Two Truths And A Lie

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Anakin: Hey, who wants to play a game?

Obi Wan: No

Anakin: But you don't even know what game it is!

Rex: Not sure we want to, with all due respect sir

Ahsoka: What is the game called Skyguy?

Anakin: Two truths and a lie. We all say three crazy things, in which two are true and one is a lie

Padme: Ohh yeah, I play this all the time with Chancellor Palpatine. Once he teased that he was a Sith if that's more believable than him secretly running an ice skating rink.

Ahsoka: Lol 🤣

Obi Wan: I feel like this game is a trap

Anakin: Who cares? And who wants to play?

Padme: I'm in. And just warning you, I'm a master at this game

Anakin: Or so you think. I do so many crazy things that you won't know the difference between a truth and a lie

Obi Wan: It's unfortunately true

Ahsoka: Hmm, Rex?

Rex: I'm in if you're in

Ahsoka: Okay. Sure, we'll play

Obi Wan: Fine. But the moment this turns into insanity, I'm leaving

Anakin: I'll go-

Padme: I call first!

Anakin: Fine 😒

Padme: Okay (1) I wear wigs 99% of the time. (2) There's a brown recluse spider in my closet and I've been keeping it as a pet. (3) I threw a pair of my 10 inch high heels out the window just to hit Clovis in the head

Ahsoka: Oh, definitely 2 is the lie

Anakin: three better be true. Sooo 2

Obi Wan: I want to say 2, but I have a terrible feeling that its false, so three

Rex: Um, 2?

Padme: Ha ha, the correct answer is 3 is false!

Ahsoka: Wait you seriously have a venomous spider as a pet?

Padme: Harriet is actually very nice, unless you accidentally step on her

Anakin: Well, that's the last time I ever go in your closet

Obi Wan: Should've assumed so.

Ahsoka: I like how no one questioned that she wears wigs all the time 🤣

Anakin: Okay! Now my turn! (1) I accidently ate some cotton once because I thought it was cotton candy. (2) I've grilled over 20,000 and killed another additional 4000 in a bon fire. (3) I did the macarena in front of Count Dooku once.

Ahsoka: 🤣🤣🤣 Omg number 3...

Rex: I have a feeling it actually happened

Obi Wan: Please, tell me number 2 is the lie

Padme: One would hope so. #2 please

Ahsoka: I know Anakin better than that. 1 is false

Rex: I would guess 2, but I have a bad feeling about it. So, 1

Anakin: Ha ha! Rex, Snips, you're right! I almost accidentally ate cotton though

Obi Wan: You really did the Macarena in front of Count Dooku?


Anakin: Yeah, so?

Padme: Ima 'bout to loose my marbles

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