The Plan

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Rex: Hey guys, uh, what's the plan to get the Separatists?

Ahsoka: Let me ask Anakin

Rex: 👌

Anakin: Guys I'm trying to relax!

Ahsoka: But we need to know the plan!

Rex: Sorry to interrupt your, err, relaxing, but we have to get control of this Separatist base somehow.

Anakin: Maybe your men have some ideas Rex

Rex: No offense, but they're kind of extremely goofy

Anakin: Just leave me alone!

Anakin has left this chat

Ahsoka: I think he's still mad about going to Tatooine... You know how he is about sand...

Rex: So what now Comander?

Ahsoka: Well, lets do what Anakin suggested; ask your men

Rex: This is not going to end well...

 Ahsoka has added Fives, Jesse, Hardcase, Tup, Dogma, Kix, and Echo to the chat

Fives: What's this about? Can we prank the general???

Ahsoka: I wouldn't suggest it...

Jesse: Why'd you call us all here?

Rex: We need a plan to take the separatist base. Any ideas?

Hardcase: We could blast 'em all!

Dogma: We should ask the General

Ahsoka: He's not in a good mood today...

Fives: Why not just annoy them to death with Hardcase?

Hardcase: Hey!

Echo: A basic battle strategy would be to simply sneak inside and defeat their commander.

Fives: That's boring Echo...

Jesse: How many clankers we talking about?

Hardcase: As many as I can destroy!

Rex: At least a battalion, plus whatever specialized droids they've got 

Tup: Why do they get special droids and not us?

Fives: You have me, an Arc Trooper!

Echo: I'm an Arc Trooper too!

Fives: But you're not fun like me

Echo: I'm logical

Fives: Too logical

Rex: Back to the plan! What are we seriously going to do?

Hardcase: We could get Kix to wrap them up in bandages!

Kix: I'm a medic.

Fives: No, you're a medix! Get it? Lololol


Ahsoka: Maybe we should just ask Obi-Wan's battalion.

Fives: We can't ask them for help!

Echo: Uh, why not?

Hardcase: Because they're our rivals!

Rex: I told you this wouldn't work...

Ahsoka: Okay if you guys don't help come up with an epic plan, then I'm calling in the 212th.

Jesse: Woah. Talk about blackmail!

Rex: You guys wouldn't listen...

Dogma: I don't see why General Skywalker isn't here. We should follow him because he's the General

Jesse: Well, he's not here.

Tup: Why don't we just kidnap a droid and reprogram it to do whatever we want?

Ahsoka: Something like that could work

Hardcase: Hey, we're way more epic and powerful than they are!!! Let's just go and take that base!

Fives: Yeah! Who's with us!

Most of the clones yell in agreement.

Ahsoka: This is not going to end well...

Rex: It never does...

Original Draft Wrote On: 3-08-19

Edited On: 1-28-24

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